Originally Posted By: Hankster

How many times have I said "They ALL Lie".




But, in this case Donny Two Scoops didn't fire Mueller or impede his investigation. Rosenstein didn't get fired or impeded either.

OTOH, Gropin' Joe told the leaders in the Ukraine, "Hey, nice little billion dollar loan you got there. I'd hate to see anything happen to that, so maybe y'all should stop investigatin' the company my boy works for. Catch my drift?"

You are such a fluffer with ball-chin dents Wanka$$. Trump gave his family top level security clearance they should not have so they can make bank for the family because why else? There is no other reason. That is a fact BTW.

Also, Biden can take a hike. I dislike career piticians like him, I am not defending him with my post.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.