Federal deficit spending up 26% over 2018 spending reaching $984 billion. But yea tax breaks for the wealthy. At least there’s lots of working poor to pay more taxes than all of the Dow members combined. But hey somebody needs to cut a $10 billion check to Microsoft to store all of our personal information in the cloud. May as well be the folks flooding the poor feds with all that personal information.

Crony capitalism has never been healthier!

And this my friends is how a once great nation ends up with a Trump v Warren race for POTUS. The corrupt aren’t even trying to hide their corruption anymore.

Now if Packer would just add a like button so I could get my morning endorphin rush, then stuff my face with a greasy, fatty breakfast and spend the rest of the day on the couch watching football like a frog on a lily pad sipping cocktails I’d be one very happy and content American. At least until I check Twitter to find out what I’m outraged at today. Pretty sure today’s twitter outrage will not be federal deficit spending though! And then this evening I’m going to check out a Raptor. Does $80k sound like a reasonable price to pay for an F150? I can get low terms for 120 months smile. Sounds like a screaming deal. May pull the trigger.

Not real sure if we are getting the best Government the corrupt can afford or the one the peasants are working rally really hard to deserve??

America FuckYea!!
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler