It's funny how much is spun by the media to portray this discussion. As I watch news from both sides, it sure appears old Orange is just stating he's looking for a fair election. BUT the way it's described in liberal articles makes it sound like he's planning something bad.

Quoted from CNN - Trump was led into the question by Fox News host Brian Kilmeade that he didn't "mean" he would never leave office but would wait until the Supreme Court ruled on the election, if needed. Trump then replied: "That I would agree with but I think we have a long way before we get there. These ballots are a horror story."

I find it entertaining Fauci was top news on CNN for quite sometime until he said "there's no reason people can't get out and vote in person".... Since that was said, sure seems Fauci has disappeared from liberal media...


It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.