Been kicking this thing around awhile. I know some of you have been interested, just never seem to get things going. So, now I'm throwing out the lure and looking for takers. If you're interested DO NOT email me at my above address. Send emails to . When you email, let me know what you want in a club. When you do email, I'll bookmark your address so I can eventually do online newsletters. Once I have enough ideas and some sort of a consensus, I'll start building guidelines and some sort of questionaire to fill out. As of right now this will NOT be a fee club. It'll be totally free. Even in the future I'm hoping not to charge at all.

Here's some things I was thinking, float exchanges to learn new rivers, possible clinics for new or prospective cat owners to test float boats and learn to run them, group floats/multi day trips, and the likes. Give me your ideas, one person can't give as many ideas as all of us. Ok, I also want this to be a fishing cataraft club.

Thanks for all who inquire. Even if you normally email me (like Os) send me an email with what you want at the address anyways. That way I don't have to try and transfer email addy's to this other account of mine.

Thanks again.....Jerry
Cataraft Pro Staff
Team OkieWhore
Fly Tiers Anonymous Pro Staff

Northwest River Fisherman