Well fellas, Im a first time poster on this site so hello to all. Seccondly, howdy B.Bart.

Now down to buisness

The Fraser above the Mission bridge has many accesable bars for a banky to fish with or without a boat. The boat is just gonna get you a bit more privacy.
7 horse motor?????Nope wouldnt think of it!!!! I value my life to much for that, the Fraser has some fast current, and 7 horses aint gonna get you there safely, 10 is bare bones and still pushing your luck!!
Now as far as the "combat fishery"that sockeye openings provide......well it aint that bad!! People are generaly happy due to the fact that EVERYONE catches their fish!!!

Gear for flossing the Fraser, 2-4oz bouncing betties, 8-12 foot of leader 5 pounds or so less than your main line, 2/0-3/0 hooks, wool, 3 way swivels. Thats it, JUST have lots on hand, you will give up tons of tackle to the river.

No secrets to this fishery, just leave any attitude at home there's lots of fish for everyone.

Historicaly the sockeye opening is the first weekend in Aug.
Its shotgun open and close though, so be ready to head out as soon as it opens!!
No matter what you think, I do live in gods country!!