It would not bother me a bit if there was a total closure to steelhead fishing after March 1st. But I think that it is important to have the opportunity to fish CNR if the stocks are strong enough to support the CNR mortality.

Actually Jerry, I can't seem to quite grasp what you are saying in the above statement.

Anyway it's not important, if you support a mandatory statewide release policy, we'll never agree anyway. I've learned a few things from this very informative thread (like to keep an eye on you guys) smile I've got to hand it to Todd and WSC, I've been following them for years since they started up and even at that time their main agenda was statewide mandatory cnr. I didn't think they could pull it off but they did. Only time will tell now...(unless there is an repeal) wink

Other than AuntyM's words of infinite wisdom, this has really been a good discussion. Good points have been made on both sides. I'm not sure theres much more left to hash out.

Tight Lines!