I started calling myself a scientist after getting my degree in marine biology, with a minor in chemistry, spending half a year at a marine center in the San Juan Islands, and working as a biologist for several years.

Fish on...


**edit to follow**

Sorry, CFM, I tried to let it slide, but here goes, anyway...

For someone who claims to have all the answers about law, politics, and science, not to mention the fine art of sniffing out all of the conspiracies out there aimed directly at you and all other "real" sportsmen, I don't recall you having any education in any of those fields, other than years of battling the powers that be over Cowlitz River issue.

Not to say that you don't do good work there, work that I personally respect and am glad that you are doing. I also know that you have many years of experience doing it there. However,...

I know you've heard this before, but here goes again...very little of anything that goes on with the Cowlitz bears any resemblance, other than passing, to the issues that are involved in fisheries management of wild fish.

Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle