[QUOTE]Originally posted by stlhdh2o:

" Micheal Moore loves his country, if for no other reason than that he is willing to to challenge its leadership when he disagrees with it, stopping not at words but by taking action"--stlhdh20

How many bong hits did it take to get to the center of that tootsie pop?

Michael Moore doesn't love this country and just want to challenge it's leadership-- He wants to see her fall flat on her face.

How many times do you need to be reminded?--In referring to America he said in his movie The Big One,

"one evil empire down--one to go."--Michael Moore Or sthdh20, do you agree with him that America would be much better served with a Socialist form of government and economic system?

AuntyM has her concerns about Bush's leadership--but she's smart enough to recognize that Moore isn't just anti-Bush, he's anti-American. There's a profound diffrence!
"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid