I used to watch Buchanon on Crossfire, I even bought his book 'Right from the Beginning' in the late 80's--he made some compelling arguments in those days.

But around 91/92 when he 'jumped the shark' and moved away from logical conservative thinking and became a millitant isolationist, anti-free trader, made what I and other condsidered anti-semitic remarks and made Bush 41 and all his offspring his sworn mortal enemies while trying to run for president (putting his ego before the good of the country)--after going so far off the reservation, logical conservatives haven't welcomed him back.

That's why the only job he can get on TV is on PMS-NBC (they like having a baffoon representing the right).

BTW--I tried to sell 'Right from the Beginning' in a yard sale...but no one wanted to buy it (even at .50 cents).
"Yes, I would support raising taxes"--Kanektok Kid