I'm going to watch the Superbowl for one reason.........the commercials. I hate the Pats and Giants, I take that back, I hate the coaches: Belichick and Coughlin. Belichick is an arrogant, smug, torn-sweatshirt wearing, jerk who is where he is by riding on Brady's shoulders. Coughlin is a scowling, sour, jerk who looks like he just @#$% his pants. In last night's game he scolded his kicker for missing the FG, not once, not twice, but three times. Does he think Tynes purposely missed the FG? After Tynes did make the winning FG, if I was Tynes, I would have told Coughlin to kiss my a$$.

I hope the Giants win because I like their defense, but more importantly, I hope Favre comes back next year and goes to the Superbowl.
Bless our troops.