Ok, Freespool is on record against selective harvest in the Alaskan and BC waters, in addtion to Washington and Oregon.

Want to boycott California cause they banned gillnets?

What was the amount of money the US sent to BC to let more of our fish get back here. 30 million? So we paid to raise the fish and paid again to make sure noone caught them.

US gov bought off the tribes with 900,000,000 to drop the lawsuit against the dams. So we paid for the fish, the dams and the treaty got more expensive. Then they send money to local politicians to influence their votes, like dumping the commission, so they only have to influence the govt and the director. Representative govt at its best. 900 mill could have bought a lot of wind generation and solar panels and done more to stimulate the economy than paying off the tribes. 900 mill probably could fix every culvert in the state.

But, selective harvest is the problem, because they have selective hearing or reading skills and refuse to acknowledge getting fish back to the beds is one tool. Just like keeping unwanted fish out is one tool. (60% is not all our fish airhead)