Is there a "Rat Weight calculator" out there, or is there a formula that we can use to adapt the fish weight calculator to rats? My scale only goes to 10 pounds, and I've shot some big ones over by the hanford nuclear range. It's pretty fun and it's really easy to see them little glow-in-the-dark suckers skittering across the open ground at night.
A huntin' buddy of mine said he was out there last year when he saw the Grandaddy of all rats. When he shot it, it began to charge him and he said he emptied his 18 shot .22 into it. He finally finished it off with the .44 pistol he was packin'. Woulda been nice to see just how big he was.
Make sure you take the big bore guns if you hunt Hanford.
The vet said I should get my dog fixed.
I didn't realize he was broken.