River Nutrients
Registered: 03/03/09
Posts: 4531
Loc: Somewhere on the planet,I hope
Below is the WDF&W Region 6 District 17 schedule for the review and modification of the Grays Harbor Management Plan ( GHMP ). So in plain English how does this effect everyone? Well in very blunt terms the GHMP is about who catches what fish (in-river sport / bay sport /commercial ), where they catch the fish, and how ( fishing rod or net ). After completing this process ( outlined below ) the WDF&W Commission will adopt policy guidelines WDF&W Region 6 District 17 will then follow in the allocation of harvest and management for escapement ( spawners ) in the future.
It is pretty much a given that most folks cannot make all these meetings so which one you might ask? November 1 at Montesano City Hall ( high lighted in Red below ) would be my first choice. It is a citizens opportunity to speak their mind and it is important. Yeah right another " dog & pony show " is the likely response most will have to this concept. The difference this time is that the WDF&W Commission will have the GHMP on their agenda for the next four months monitoring this process prior to adopting " policy guidelines " in February.
So bottom line is that it is that time. If you want the Salmon resources in Grays Harbor and the Chehalis Basin managed in a reasonable manner citizen participation is more important than ever. As harsh as it sounds you snooze you will loose in this process.
WDFW NEWS RELEASE Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091 http://wdfw.wa.gov/ October 17, 2013 Contact: Ron Warren, (360) 249-1201 Public meetings scheduled to discuss Grays Harbor salmon management OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has scheduled eight public meetings this fall and winter to discuss and develop a new draft policy for managing salmon fisheries in Grays Harbor. The public meetings are part of a nearly five-month process to develop the new draft policy specifically for Grays Harbor salmon management. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission, a citizen panel appointed by the governor to set policy for WDFW, is scheduled to consider adopting the draft policy in mid-February. Salmon fisheries in Grays Harbor are currently managed under a framework that was initially developed in 2007, in conjunction with the commission's North of Falcon policy, said Ron Warren, regional fish program manager for WDFW. "We would like to further refine the management of Grays Harbor salmon fisheries to help ensure we can meet spawning goals for wild salmon returning to the basin, as well as give anglers and commercial fishers a clearer picture of what fishing opportunities they can expect each year," Warren said. The public meetings include three workshops and five Grays Harbor Advisory Committee meetings. The advisory committee discussions are open to the public, and those in attendance will have an opportunity to comment at the end of each meeting. The public meetings are scheduled for: • Oct. 21 - Grays Harbor Advisory Committee, from 6-8 p.m.; public input from 8-9 p.m.; WDFW's Montesano office, 48 Devonshire Road. • Oct. 28 - Grays Harbor Advisory Committee, from 6-8 p.m.; public input from 8-9 p.m.; WDFW's Montesano office, 48 Devonshire Road. • Nov. 1 - WDFW fishery managers will host a public workshop from 6-8 p.m.; Montesano City Hall, 112 North Main Street, Montesano. • Nov. 13 - Grays Harbor Advisory Committee, from 6-8 p.m.; public input from 8-9 p.m.; WDFW's Montesano office, 48 Devonshire Road. • Nov. 18 - Grays Harbor Advisory Committee, from 6-8 p.m.; public input from 8-9 p.m.; WDFW's Montesano office, 48 Devonshire Road. • Nov. 26 - WDFW fishery managers will host a public workshop from 6-8 p.m.; Montesano City Hall, 112 North Main Street, Montesano. • Jan. 13 - Grays Harbor Advisory Committee, from 6-8 p.m.; public input from 8-9 p.m.; WDFW's Montesano office, 48 Devonshire Road. • Jan. 15 - WDFW fishery managers will host a public workshop from 6-8 p.m.; Montesano City Hall, 112 North Main Street, Montesano. WDFW fishery managers are scheduled to brief the Fish and Wildlife Commission on the development of the draft policy during the commission's November meeting in Olympia. Warren said WDFW will develop a range of policy options that will be discussed during the December commission meeting in Olympia. The commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the draft policy options during its January meeting in Olympia. The commission is scheduled to make a final decision at its February meeting in Olympia. Throughout the process, WDFW will periodically update its website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/fisheries/grays_harbor_salmon/ with more information on the development of the draft policy. ________________________________________ This message has been sent to the WDFW News Releases & Weekender mailing list. Visit the WDFW News Release Archive at: http://wdfw.wa.gov/news/ To UNSUBSCRIBE from this mailing list: http://wdfw.wa.gov/lists/unsubscribe.html
Dazed and confused.............the fog is closing in