Originally Posted By: Dave Vedder

If you want to be taken seriously you can't make statements such as saying a dredge never killed a fish.

Of course they did. Do modern ones kills as many? Of course they don't. But I remain opposed to digging up streambeds in areas where salmonids live.

You should know that a dredger asking for love on a fishing forum is bound to be about as popular as a bait salesman at a flyfishing convention.

You have made your point. Thanks for the info.

Just so we are clear, I could not care less about your love and this is not a popularity contest. Do you honestly think I, as a lone dredger could walk into a hardcore fish forum and not have some crap thrown at me? Dang, you should give me props just for being brave.
I am trying to open your mind to the possibility of facts other than those you have jumped to conclusion upon.

The notion that every modern dredge kills fish is a baseless exaggeration. Yes, they CAN kill fish but when used in the right place and time they do not....fact

What I am telling you is that there have been 100's of millions of $ spent studying and researching the effects of dredging. Most of this was performed by the people that hate us and they were only looking for ammo to shoot us down. NOT ONE STUDY exists that shows a fish was killed by a dredge when that dredge was operated according to existing State habitat protection guidelines. Just like fishing, when you don't follow the rules, anything can happen. You cannot judge the entire user group by the lawbreakers.

If you know different please show me proof and I will publicly apologize to you.

You don't have to like dredging, that is not why I am on here. I just would hope that you make your choices based on fact. There are a few on here that understand and support mining but there are hundreds of others reading that just aren't sure or are opposed because of all the bad press the liberal side has churned out. I am offering the mining perspective of this in a respectful and professional way...this is not a bad thing