Originally Posted By: Evo
... haul 300 pounds of tools from where i live to the bus, tell me how easy it is... thats just hand tools, not a compressor or gun or anything like that...

If you had an ounce of ambition normal to a healthy male, you'd haul those 300 pounds of tools all by yourself from wherever they are to wherever they need to be in order to get some work done with them.

... i asked someone for help and he told me no, i have proof of that as well...

Well whoop dee doo, someone won't help you. Everyone gets their share of NO and HELL NO, and then moves on. But you said you don't need anyone's help, so which is it?

so none of you can say i havent been trying,

Actually that is what we have been saying, and we say it because you don't try. Whether you know it or not, what you do is known as "whining" to the rest of normal humanity.

maybe i should break up with my girlfriend,

That would be doing her a favor. No woman worth having hangs with a deadbeat. So either she's not worth having, and if she is, the two of you should break up.

Evo, Nate, Redhook,

You tell us a lot about yourself. But I can't think of one thing you've told us that makes me think you're worthy of consuming the air that you breathe. All that you've revealed points to you being a deadbeat, the kind of deadbeat that caring mothers and girlfriends kick to the street.

When you post that you have a job, even a part time one, and begin earning your keep, you will begin getting different kinds of responses, from disbelief at first, to congratulations for joining the human race, and maybe even well wishes for you and your girlfriends future. Meanwhile, if I worry, I worry about your girlfriend sticking herself with a deadbeat.

Show us you're not a deadbeat. The ball's in your court.