Originally Posted By: Piper
Good stuff DD... I'm firing up the smokey mountain today to smoke some apple garlic butter injected chicken leg quartes and pork ribs... putting on some mini chicken wings as an apetizer... wink

Mmmm....sounds great !
Gonna need some pics !

That Thermapen would shine on a cook like that...
It's very fast, so you can run around and check temp on each piece and be done checking in a few seconds.

Just put another whole chicken on the kettle.
.88 per pound at Safeway this week...can't beat that.
Montreal Chicken Seasoning and some Kosher salt.
Running 300° with KBB and some nice hickory chunks on top.
Walton's Market had some Western brand smokewood (big chunks) for $5-something.
Grabbed me some Mesquite and Hickory.
Hickory is still my fave.

Just went from white to thin blue !
Oh yeah !
Gasser people just don't know....
