Verizon seems to have a edge most places in this state. Its good in Ak but ATT has coverage out on the Aleut chain were verizon does not. Thats going to change soon. From my experiance verizon is better on the OP. The only place in this state were ATT has been better is a few spots down on the Snake. Id stay with verizon over T-Mobile, and sprint for sure if you cant live w/o service. If you want to save a few bucks..change. The Mrs and I gave up the unlimited net service, and combined our plans. Its around 133.00 for 2 phones when it was double that with the unlimited service thru verizon. Hopefully verizon will have service this year on the Al chain, and I can dump my Alaska Wireless plan. Oh...Yakutat is another place were you will not have service. That should change this year too.