Originally Posted By: OncyT
If I were going to protest, I would be very careful about what it is I am protesting. From reading the list of agreed to fisheries, it appears that it was agreed by WDFW that the Muckleshoots would conduct a test fishery to provide an in-season update starting the week of September 4th. Then if the ISU showed harvestable coho, they would begin fishing the week of September 11th. That appears to be what they are doing, although I have to assume that the ISU showed harvestable fish.

Are you protesting them doing what they said they would do? Are you protesting WDFW agreeing to let them do what they said they would do? Both? Or something entirely different?

(Edited: Looks like Krijak, above, noticed the same thing I did)

So evidently 50/50 of the harvestable fish doesn't apply in this case then AND there is no way to refer to what the treaty allows because it is now void?