Originally Posted By: RICH G
He said a bunch of stupid stuff about Trump, like all he is causing is negative pain and he will be lucky to make it 4 years, didn't say what might happen to him though. It certainly isn't what you would expect from him. he also said he voted for Billary and was begging for Obongo to come back to save us all.... I knew their was a problem when he canceled his wedding choice location in North Carolina because of the transgender bathroom issue.

I just heard him speak at the barber shop,sounds like his new hollyweird Wifes purse has gobbled up his nuts rather quickly. LOL. Being the Christian he says he is,you'd think he would be an advocate for the million of aborted life's. I have a lot more respect for Tom Brady/Kraft/Belicheat for not caving in for their support of DT.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.