wow, look at all the "tough" guys talking sh!t on the internet....


so now i point unloaded guns at people? rofl

FYI, what i did was fully legal, as ive already spoke to 2 police officers about it...

FYI 2, the river incident, if he had me on camera picking up and dropping someone off, he also had me on camera pulling my gun, which he didnt, case closed....

Nick, ive actually been thinking about taking some BJJ courses, has alot to do with what you are talking about... per se... maybe ill message you later about it, and whats gone on say the last 12 years...

Krijak, Samoans can be some bad dudes, same with Tongans... i have quite a few friends from both islands... one of them tho, Maynard, committed suicide a year ago, things just didnt go well in his life, and i guess he couldnt take it anymore.... sad situation, most of them are good people for the most part, but theres always bad wherever you look, and if you are looking for trouble, you will find it....

snit, Kinetic Krackhead, and DTwat.... STFU you internet bitches, you couldnt kick sh!t off your own shoe, stop acting like something you arent, because someday, you might have to prove your actions, and you will just come out as a fake internet pussy....

i revel in your hatred... because if you didnt hate me, i wouldnt be effective....