Originally Posted By: dwatkins
Originally Posted By: Snake Pliskin
Pull up a chair and listen to a story Dwat….I married a woman with two kids. I was a good stepfather and we decided to have a child together, so we did. Nine months after he was born, she did a 180 and became a dictator....no more fishing, no more golf, no more anything....if I argued, she would threaten to leave to another state with him. So, I did nothing for five years. Finally couldn't take it anymore, so I divorced her.

She got my house, my boat, my car, $20K up front, $800/mo maintenance and $1,000 a month child support....and it was a shared custody settlement.

Just be thankful you didn't have a child with her....you never know what could have happened....especially if she wasn't all in on the idea.


Thanks for this. Puts my crap into perspective. And thanks to everyone’s advice you guys really are good people.

Every 18 year old Man in America should read Snakes post....the world would be a better place.
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.