Q is flat-earth-tier sh!t for boomers. Q is an obvious LARP, it's fvcking hilarious you fell for it. Has Q ever posted any evidence proving that he is an actual insider within the administration/intelligence community? I don't mean something that can be easily faked/photoshopped by your average message board troll or anything that can be chalked up to mere coincidence, but actual hard evidence. I've looked through all of the supposed Q "proof" and there is literally nothing there. Not to mention all of his predictions are either dead wrong or so vague they could be interpreted in whatever way you want to fit any narrative you may have. If you've got something that you think is indisputable evidence for Q being some kind of government insider I'd love for you to prove my doubts wrong, otherwise I just don't see it.

PS. Q doesn't name the Jew. Anyone who doesn't name the Jew is a liar, ignorant of truth, lazy or controlled opposition. Usually the latter if you hear about them all over the net.