We'll it's not looking good for Sockeye fishing in Lk. Washington according to tribal and WDFW officials. They say the numbers are too low. I don't understand their criteria. They say that half the run is normally in by July 8th (sometimes they say the 10th), we had 196,000+ fish in by Jul 8th, you double that equals 392,000 fish if extrapolated out. Seems like 42,000 extra fish to me...maybe a long weekend of fishing for our share of 21,000 fish. Someone try and explain the math to me.....I apparently don't understand WDFW math. I also would like to know how the 350 K escapement goal was arrived at.....seems kinda high for such a small river. We have fisheries with substantially less fish returning to other systems. Here's the URL of the WDFW announcement...