cougars eat to many deer, and the deer population is going down, so now hunters are being told (omost urged) to go after cougars.

yet seals eat salmon and the salmon population goes down yet we still can't hunt seals.

When I went up to canada, my guide told me of how at night theindians would go out and shoot up a rock with a ton of seals on it, to lower there numbers. I think the makah(sp?) need to stop harvesting the whales and start going after seals.

I am getting sick of seals.

There are 2 out where I fish, and at night they'll get a mile apart and start alapping the water, to heard the fish in the middle. then they eat em' all.

they need to be gotten rid of.

oh, and where can I buy an orca call over the internet? If I can't shoot them, I at least want to scare them away.

I like the woods, and I like the water. I geuss that means I like the outdoors.