Hey I just found the perfect mono line.
I have used just about every brand on the market and ones suggested on this BB.
I like the maxima but I like this new line much better on my spinning and casting reel.
It is Made by JINKAI, it has low memory, limp yet xtra tuff abrasion resistant line.
It has a smaller diameter then its counter parts,(not every brand)and it is a I.G.F.A. class line. Like to hear from any one who has used this line what they think of it. I personally think the line is the best so far, even better then the Maxima UG. My pinion only, Maxixma is a great line and so are few other brands out there. So if your in the hunt or just wanting to try a new line , give JINKAI a try, I don't think you will be disapointed. It comes in crystal clear and from 2LB to 150LB, and from 250 yards to 1000 yard spools. It is a little more $ then other monos.