Alaska mine threatens salmon, native cultures -U.S. agency
VANCOUVER (Reuters) - Large-scale mining in the Bristol Bay watershed poses serious risks to salmon and native cultures in this pristine corner of southwest Alaska, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said in a report released on Wednesday.

The EPA said a mine could destroy up to 94 miles of salmon-supporting streams and thousands of acres of wetlands, ponds and lakes. The report focused on the impact of mining in an area where a Canadian-based company wants to build a large copper and gold mine.

Polluted water from the mine site could enter streams, causing widespread damage in a region that produces nearly 50 percent of the world's wild sockeye salmon, the EPA said.

The Bristol Bay region supports all five species of Pacific salmon found in North America, which include sockeye, Chinook ....
I fish, ergo, I am.

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Puget Sound Anglers, So. King Co.
CCA SeaTac Chapter

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