Obama officials to discuss salmon in Portland

Posted by: Phoenix77

Obama officials to discuss salmon in Portland - 05/23/09 12:04 PM

Obama officials to discuss salmon in Portland

[Can CCA get a seat at the table?]

The Obama administration is coming to town to talk salmon.
On Tuesday, the president's lead environmental policy adviser and the head of the nation's top fisheries agency will be in Portland to hear from dam operators, scientists, tribes and the states about the region's emblematic and endangered fish.
The administration has reversed a number of Bush-era environmental rules, and salmon watchers have been wondering when President Barack Obama's staff would engage in earnest on one of the Northwest's most contentious and costly natural resource conundrums.
Salmon in the vast Columbia Basin have been in decline for years, a phenomenon linked with dams and the destruction of habitat.
Obama's emissaries will arrive as a federal judge in Portland threatens to scuttle the government's plan for running its big hydroelectric dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers while keeping salmon from going


Posted by: Fast and Furious

Re: Obama officials to discuss salmon in Portland - 05/24/09 05:41 PM

Someone posted on ifish that only govt departments will be allowed in. Doesnt look like they will Let CCA in. However, dont we have some kind of sunshine or open meetings policy? At least someone in the media should be allowed into the meeting to report on it.