Mackeral slayin'

Posted by: headshakes

Mackeral slayin' - 08/25/07 03:17 PM

Made my annual trip to Cork Ireland and thought I would share just in case your ever in the area.
Mackeral by the hundereds last week and had a great time. I know there puny little things but on the 3wt. with a 4lb. tip the big ones will take you into the backing. Floating line, anything with silver in it. Use the cheap flys cuz they mangle them.
Threw on a ten foot fast sink salmon leader to get it down in the boulder gardens and had a few evenings with some nice pollock and coal fish to about 6lb. Stepped up to the 8wt. for this cuz of the sinking leader thing, still on a floating line though. No need to cast more than 20 yards if the waters deep. Also a couple small schooly bass about 2lb each.
Tried a few O' dark thirty mornings for some bigger bass in my usual haunts, only had a few followers give it a look and move on. Ah well. Anyway a good time had by all.
Bonus prize is for the kids. Had my small boys reel in there first fish. I cast and hook them with a hand off, needless to say big smiles all around. Not as good as you guys and the hoho thing with the poppers but I'll get back next year. Sounds like the first couple of weeks in August to go to PnP. Haven't been there in some time but think I can find my way.
BTW are you guys using single or a light, say 8/9wt double hander.
Tried to get a pic in here but far to complicated for me.
Anyway if your ever over in August don't forget the 5wt. its a blast for the kids. Enjoy

Don't worry still banging on trout and some salmon on river Wye and Usk in Wales. Graying will start soon and run through the winter.
Best of luck....ah just have some fun!