tell me what you think

Posted by: Dances

tell me what you think - 04/12/01 12:58 AM

Tell me what you think of my english paper (edited by Steve per Doug's request). ...

Catch and Release of Wild Steelhead

A steelhead is one of the most sought after sportfish in the world. Particualrly in the Pacific Northwest. It is also one of the most elusive to catch. There are both native wild spawning steelhead and hatchery produced steelhead; the latter for angler opportunity enhancement. Over the years people have been allowed to keep sport caught native steelhead and that has significantly contributed to their demise to almost nothing in some watersheds, such as the Satsop River in Washington. There used to be a huge run of natives in many rivers, but with sport fishing and Native Americans netting the river 6 days a week they have dwindled greatly; some river runs to the point of being listed under the Federal Endangered Species Act, which has curtailed the fishing for them. Unfortunatley, in some cases too late, but not for other rivers.

The Government has set up programs to help reverse the damage that has occured. Part of this has been the implimenting of hatchery programs. The Government, in conjunction with electric power companies, have put hatcheries on river systems for run enhancement to allow fisherman to take home a fish or two for the BBQ. They have also recently enacted laws and programs to improve river spawning habitat. Yet despite the dwindling wild fish runs some people still feel the need to catch and kill native steelhead. This is still allowed on several Washington state rivers, while Oregon has gone to catch and release status on almost all of their steelhead rivers.

There are lots of examples of where people have been allowed to overfish for native steelhead, and because they kept too many of them the fishery diminished to almost nothing. Just one example is the Hamma Hamma River on the Olympic Peninsula. It used to have a huge native steelhead run, but because one riverfront property owner limited the access to the river in attempting to help preserve the run, the Government stopped stocking the river with hatchery plants. The remaining native steelhead were thus overharvested until they were put on the endangered species list.

Until Washington state goes to catch and release regulations for all wild steelhead too many sport fishermen will not stop killing them. The issue of Native American gillnetting of these fish is also a big factor, and seems impossible to change after many legal attempts to do so. I hope they will soon reduce their take of these fish too. Because if and when the wild steelhead are gone, all that will be left is a memory of these irreplacable precious fish. We should do all we can to get the Washington Department of Fish and Game to change these regulations before it's too late. That can start by writing letters to your state representatives, as well as the Washington Department of Fish and Game.

Thanks, DOUG

Note: Doug, most modern business documents and formal letters do not indent paragraphs, but rather space them. However, I think some professors may still require paragraph indentation? ... Also, 'Yall is right about me having too many semi-colons, so I removed them where not needed. smile

[ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: RT ]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 01:23 AM

Good topic and good job Doug. As a former teacher I have taken writing classes. Would you like me to edit your paper above as I envision your English teacher would do? Let me know - if you do then print out a copy of what's there now to compare to the edit; so I can feel like a teacher for a few minutes again smile .
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 01:31 AM

Hey Steve
yea go a head and edit away man I would like some impute ok.

OK Doug - I can do it right within your post above, as you see here in this post.

[ 04-11-2001: Message edited by: RT ]
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 01:12 PM

I only reconized parts of my paper after you got done with it.
But you did a good job.
now I jsut hope I dont piss everyone off when I post the other side of the arg. paper.
Posted by: Predator Dawg

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 01:18 PM

Dances -

If your worried about sentence structure, line 2 is an extension of line 1 in the first paragraph and should be incorporated into it, not used as a stand alone sentence. Normally, I wouldn't worry to much about it but it is the very first thing that is read.

Great job!
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 03:19 PM

thanks for the help saltine laugh
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 06:14 PM


I'm Uh Anglish Buff. Too many semi-colons, and also misdirected sentences, plus abbreviations are usually a no no. Let me get a crack at it since I'm on a break and help you out lil buddy. You can use it or lose it. Good paper! I'll post my version of it for you in a bit. eek
Posted by: Oregon Fish Chaser

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 06:16 PM

I don't think that he should turn in a paper with links to porn in it rolleyes :p
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 06:19 PM

Great any little bit helps smile
The links wont come up on the paper or at least I hope they wont and even if they do thats why they made white out laugh
Posted by: Predator Dawg

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 06:38 PM

Good lord, a couple days ago he was doing math, nows he's taking a whack at english (don't forget Dances, where he's from, they don't speak the same way we do up here). I have spell check and grammar check, not sure I have porno check. laugh
Posted by: 'Head hunter

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 06:42 PM

Hey, Dances;
Just do it your way. Remember in the literary world, as in any art form, there are writers and there are critics.
One of the other things I do is wood work. In every piece of furniture I build, there's a flaw, sometimes intentionally. The sole purpose is to give the critics something to do.
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 07:12 PM

All right all you beeyotches, oops "critics" is what I meant to say; here is the version I will release.

The Catch-and-Release of Native, Wild Steelhead

A steelhead is one of the most sought after sport-fish in the world, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. It is considered by many to be one of the most elusive sport-fish to catch. There are two types of steelhead in the Pacific Northwest: the native, wild spawning steelhead and the hatchery-produced steelhead. Hatchery-produced steelhead is produced to enhance angler opportunity. Over the years, people have been allowed to keep sport-caught, native steelhead. This has significantly contributed to their demise in many watersheds, such as the Satsop River in the state of Washington. At one time, there used to be a run of native steelhead in many rivers, but with the commercial fishermen and Native Americans netting the river 6 days a week, those numbers have dwindled greatly. This netting has driven some native steelhead river runs to the point of being protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. This effort has curtailed fishing for them, but unfortunately in some cases, this effort is too little, too late. However, it is a different scenario for other rivers.

The United States government has set up programs to help reverse the damage that has occurred. One of these programs has been the implementation of hatchery programs. The government, in conjunction with electric power companies, has put hatcheries on river systems for run enhancement. This program is designed to allow fisherman to harvest a hatchery fish or two for consumption. In recent years, they have enacted laws and programs to improve river-spawning habitat. Despite the dwindling wild, native fish runs, some people still feel the need to catch and kill native steelhead. This practice is still allowed on several Washington state rivers, while the neighboring state of Oregon has implemented catch-and-release regulations on the majority of their steelhead rivers.

There are many examples of fishermen who have been allowed to over fish for native steelhead, and because they harvested too many of these native steelhead, the fishery diminished to a fraction of what it once was. One example is the Hamma Hamma River located on the Olympic Peninsula. At one time this river had a large native steelhead run, but because one riverfront property owner limited the access to the river in an attemp to help preserve the run, the Government stopped stocking the river with hatchery plants. The remaining native steelhead population was thus over-harvested, until the Federal Endangered Species Act protected these fish from harvest.

Until the state of Washington implements catch-and-release regulations for all remaining wild steelhead, too many sport fishermen will not stop killing them. The issue of Native American gillnetting of these fish is also a big factor, and it seems impossible to change after many legal attempts to do so. I hope these groups of people will soon reduce their harvest of these fish also because if/when the native, wild steelhead are gone, all that will be left is a faint memory of these irreplaceable, precious fish. We, as United State citizens, should exhaust all efforts in an attempt to notify the Washington Department of Fish and Game to change the current regulations before it's too late. This effort can start by writing letters to your state and federal representatives, as well as the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

----> Oooh he do have a way wit werds don't he? You will find this to be grammatically correct and "spelt" Korrecklee.

I have saved a copy to my Word documents, so if you want it, just send me an email and I will attach it.

Next up, is Sex Education eek
muh ha ha ha ha ha

[ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: hey_yall ]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 07:17 PM

Doug, 'Yall was right about me putting in too many semicolons. Sometimes I get semicolon happy laugh I eat lots of fiber ya know. I removed them where they weren't needed. ....

Hey, how about a BB membership joint paper with consensus opinions and grammer perfection to send to the WDF&G, NMFS, and Native American Tribal fishing commissions with all our signatures or monikers on it?


shocked EDIT: I clicked the post icon before I saw 'Yall's version just above. Good job Mike. But as I did with too many semicolons, you used too many unnecessary hyphens between words. Go edit like I did laugh . We'll get this thing down yet. smile

[ 04-12-2001: Message edited by: RT ]
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 07:26 PM

I'm with Steve. Hey RT, when did dough-nuts and cheese contain fiber??? :p

There were fragments, run-ons, and the tenses of the verbs didn't conjoin.

Now they do.

It's still your paper Jr. All I did was re-word it where needed, and set verbs straight, and helped the paper flow better. No ideas or thoughts were removed. I almosted put in the porn urls, but if your professor is kewl, he already has them. smile
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 07:27 PM

I'm with Steve. Hey RT, when did dough-nuts and cheese contain fiber??? :p

There were fragments, run-ons, and the tenses of the verbs didn't conjoin.

Now they do.

It's still your paper Jr. All I did was re-word it where needed, and set verbs straight, and helped the paper flow better. No ideas or thoughts were removed. I almosted put in the porn urls, but if your professor is kewl, he already has them. smile

See y'all, I is gone from duh office.
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 07:29 PM

Actually chief, those hyphens are correct. The only place this is questionable is sport fish and sport caught. Double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology with a minor in English.
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/12/01 08:33 PM

hey man you better watch how you talk about some people cuz I come from the same neck of the woods Hey_yall does :DJJ
Head Hunter
I jsut wanted some replies to my paper to get a different point of view thats all smile
Posted by: Hammer Bob

Re: tell me what you think - 04/13/01 12:59 AM

Nobody has mentioned references. The paper would be stronger if DWF would reference some of his sources. just a thought!!
Posted by: Hammer Bob

Re: tell me what you think - 04/13/01 01:05 AM

Nobody has mentioned references. The paper would be stronger if DWF would reference some of his sources. just a thought!!
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/13/01 01:14 AM

I would use resource's if I had them but most of the stuff is just opinion except for the example of the Hamma Hamma that is info passed down from my father who happens to of fished that river back in its prime.
But its a point of view paper thats all
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/13/01 01:25 PM

Thanks for all the help
I have to write a paper about the other side of the story. Next week so I will post that too laugh I am sure you can all guess what it will be about C&K of native steelhead.
But for some reason I dont think that it will be as good as the first one rolleyes
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/16/01 02:20 PM

This is the second part of my paper and it is the catch and kill version of the paper.
I dont agree with C&K but I have to write a paper on it so just try to keep an open mind while reading it ok laugh This is also a rough draft too.

Catch and Killing of Native Steelhead

Native Steelhead are a faint dream for most fisherman. There are a few rivers where wild steelhead are alowed to be caught and killed. So why do the people who fish the rivers get a bad name?

People think that wild steehead should be preserved. There are rivers with a big enough wild fish population that sport fisherman can catch and kill a native fish but people still belive that it is wrong. Wild fish are our heritage so we sould be able to fish for them too right.

There are many reasons why people would rather fish for native steelhead. Wild steelhead fight harder then hatchery fish, because of that the wild steelhead are a more of a challange then hatchery.
Some people also belive that native steehead are harder to catch thus making them even more of a challange to catch.

Another reason why people go after native steelhead is they taste better. Most experinced people have eaten a wild fish before in their life and they can tell the difference between a fish who started its life in a hatchery and one that started its life in the wild.

I ahve not come up with an ending yet but and impute on this would be nice
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/16/01 04:00 PM

Go ahead and read it but I dont have a disk to save it so I thought I would jsut post it ok laugh

Catch and Killing of Native Steelhead

Native Steelhead are a faint dream for most fisherman, but there are a few rivers where wild steelhead are allowed to be caught and killed. Wild steelhead are one of the great game fish that have ever swam in our rivers. . So why do the people who fish the rivers get a bad rap?

People think that wild steelhead should be preserved. There are rivers with a big enough wild fish populations that sport fisherman can catch and kill a native fish but people still believe that it is wrong. Wild fish are our heritage so we should be able to fish for them too right. Not according to some people, they believe that because the fish have diminished in other river the same will happen to all, but that is not totally true. There are many examples of one run of fish that has died off and another run still thriving. Like the Sol Duc that river has a huge run of native steelhead and is open almost year round. But the skokomish river steelhead are almost all extinct because of some bad choices the tribes have mad in the past. Because people use one river to set the standard for all they donft get the whole picture.

There are many reasons why people would rather fish for native steelhead. Wild steelhead fight harder then hatchery fish, because of that a wild steelhead are a more of a challenge then hatchery steelhead. Look at it this way would you like to spend countless hours trying to catch a hatchery steelhead, only to find out that once they are hooked itfs a short and soft fight? I would rather go after some thing that you have to work for not some thing that is going to give up after five minutes.
Another reason why people go after native steelhead is they taste better. Most experienced fish people have eaten a wild fish before in their life and they can tell the difference between a fish who started its life in a hatchery and one that started its life in the wild. Another example, would you rather eat a wild rainbow trout or a store bought pen-raised rainbow trout? Now keep in mind they come from the same family but one has lived its life in the wild and the other in a pen. I would go for the wild one.

Wild steelhead are in the rivers so a fisherperson has a chance to catch one and take it home for dinner.
Posted by: Predator Dawg

Re: tell me what you think - 04/16/01 04:07 PM

Here comes the banjo.... laugh
Posted by: backlash2

Re: tell me what you think - 04/16/01 05:34 PM

Some people think wild steelhead taste better....what yutz is spouting this crap?? Yet another lame excuse for clubbing wild fish. True, hatchery smolts do munch on powerbait hatchery food for a short while at the beginning of their life cycle, but wild fish are eating bugs and rotting flesh at the same time. They both spend the majority of their life at sea eating the exact same stuff.
I have never eaten wild steelhead, but I'll bet the farm that they don't taste any different. I've grubbed tons of springer, both clipped and unclipped, and there is NO difference!!
Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/16/01 06:42 PM

Simmer down now BL2
Did you not read the first part before I started the paper?

I said that "This is the second part of my paper and it is the catch and kill version of the paper.
I dont agree with C&K but I have to write a paper on it so just try to keep an open mind while reading it ok This is also a rough draft too."

So dont get all mad. I had to write that stuff.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: tell me what you think - 04/17/01 04:56 AM

YO. Doug. Remember what I suggested about proof reading your papers for spelling and punctuation. You're in college and lots of us ol' guys like to teach younger people how to fish, pick up girls, and spell laugh . So treat us like your teachers when you post even a rough draft and spell check and proof read. smile I know this latest paper is just the anti-thesis required, but I will mention that I don't recall from years ago that nates and brats tasted much different. In fact, the BC farm chinook product is better than most native chinook (where very abundant enough for harvest).

Posted by: Dances

Re: tell me what you think - 04/17/01 11:24 AM

Hey Steve
I would of proof read the paper but I was late to class and I was tryin to save it to a disk and couldn't so I just posted it as a way to save the paper. thats all
About the way steelhead taste it was just another reason I was tryin to come up with reasons but it is really hard when you disagree with some thing laugh Teach smile