Best Type Of Spin N' Glo

Posted by: RipDatLip

Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 04/30/01 02:30 PM

Spin N' Glos are a good way to catch salmon and steelhead. I don't know much about the Lewis, Kalama, or the Cowlitz rivers, but I know spin n glos work. I have been suggested many different colors and sizes. There must be one certian color that works the best for salmon and steelhead and on different rivers. So what color and size works best for each of these rivers?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 04/30/01 06:14 PM

Hey Matt, which river is a factor in some cases for color choice, but the specific water condition is a more important factor. I don't use Spin N Glos as much anymore; not because they aren't productive but because of other fishing methods I use. Generally, the SnG's work best when rivers have some degree of colored water, especially for big fish in big rivers (the best example of that being the big northern rivers of AK & BC for big kings; but also on such as the Oly Pen for big steelies). Although the smaller ones in pink, green, or metallic colors work well above eggs or shrimp in medium or even clearish water. ... Geez, haven't helped you a whole lot yet, eh? Let's see ... for murky water the 3 I like most are the old fashioned flame red/chartruse combo, red hot, and the kelly green/chartruse combo. These work well in both glacial snowmelt colored water and in murky runoff river water. Of course there are so many new ones nowdays that any number of good salmon/steelhead colors will work well. Watermelon has been a popular pattern in recent years; more for medium or clearish water color. The latest color I've seen is a new one with a medium red on one side and white with black spots on the other, and with black wings. I haven't even had a chance to use them yet, but I know they are going to work before I actually wittness it happen. Red, white, and black are all good basic colors and this new one puts them together in a very good looking pattern. Hopefully some guys that use SnG's a lot will suggest specific colors that seem to work better in certain rivers. ...

As for sizes, it depends again on water color - and also the fish targeted. For big Kings in murky water use the large size 2 (0's & 4's also). For steelhead in murky water use the size 6 and 4's. For clearish water for both species use 8's and 10's, unless you aren't using bait with them, then go up one size with some scent on it.

Posted by: RipDatLip

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 04/30/01 10:27 PM

That was a lot of help with the color. But how do the sizes work? The smaller the number the smaller the bait? Anyways fished the Meat Hole, any specific color work the best on the Lewis?
Posted by: Trick

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 04/30/01 11:29 PM

Rip, the smaller the number the larger the s-n-glo. The #0 are big. I like plunking size 2-4's for summer steelhead in the Columbia during the warm months. When you have three small ones the beach provides lots of playroom. I used a cheater for the first time last week and caught a nice springer nate. Had it in my box for years and finally decided to try it. They look like a bulked up spin-glo.
Posted by: stlhdr1

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 05/01/01 03:25 AM

You have really been trying hard to catch fish, and stick with it. I was up on the lewis this morning for the last day of boats in the meathole and with three rods we hooked 7 fish in three hours. There are a ton of fish in there so I will email you and get you up there and teach you personally how to catch a springer.
Posted by: RipDatLip

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 05/01/01 02:01 PM

That would be great! Any other suggestions from anyone?
Posted by: Firedog

Re: Best Type Of Spin N' Glo - 05/01/01 05:37 PM

Matt, from the times I have plunked spin glos , it is best to have a few diferent ones. This year the hot color for plunking was chartrues with black stripes and black wings. Others did real well with the orange with mylar wings and the willamete special. Pick a few different ones, the chartrueses are pretty hard to beat for springers. I use the chartruse and kelly green in a 4 or 6 for drift fishing with eggs and shrimp for springers. Good luck and hope you find some fish.