How many ifishers here?

Posted by: Fishhead Vic

How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 02:19 AM

I just read the thread about someone getting booted off of ifish. I wanted to see how many of the ifishers were now at this BB. I've seen alot of *****in going on over what happens over there. So lets see the roll call. laugh .......Fishhead Vic
Posted by: RPetzold

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 02:21 AM

Im registered over there but dont post much.
Posted by: The_Reel_Big_Pimpin

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 04:10 AM

I'm registered, but most of those Ifisher's are a joke... They are anal and way to uptight ... Most of the stuff posted is crap, however, every so often somebody posts a good topic ... rolleyes
Posted by: sockeye

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 05:40 AM

I'm in both too and I do check both boards out. They are more for down south and Oregon.
Posted by: Thumper

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 07:33 AM

I'm in both, and they are both great places to learn.
Posted by: willierower

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 09:47 AM

Im an ifisher, Ive been with Bobs board longer though.
Ifish is starting to get lame with all the whining and b****** going on over there. We need more ifishers posting here, This board is laid back and people dont easily get offened wink
Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 09:49 AM

I used to be an iFisher until I changed my password to svopqwimnfaos or something like that and changed the email to...well...I'll just censor myself now.
Posted by: The Moderator

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 11:08 AM

I started here first and eventually created an account over there. Even managed to get the ifish crew to formally adopt a name for me "The Steelhead King". Seems I pissed off a person or twelve over there. Oh well.

Posted by: Timber

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 11:13 AM

I am also registered on ifish...

Well I gotta go back over to ifish and call someone out rolleyes
Posted by: Osprey

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 11:32 AM

IMHO.....there is "one" too many ifish
wanna be a moderator over here picked the wrong redneck to get in a war of words over....great you bring a sling shot to gun fight.....Oh Brother.....Os

[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Pilar ]

[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Osprey ]
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 12:02 PM

I think that's ****ing hilarious. I get an email that it's nothing personal, but yet, when I logged on this morning and checked ifish (isuck), you see the big-headed and big @ssed Pilar continuing to talk ****.

Wake up call mother****er. And that's what my boy Timber Man basically said, but not so kindly :p Thanks bro. Notice how that thread is already removed. Probably out of fear that I would read it. You don't apologize to someone, then run back into your house, lock your doors, and continue to talk **** through the window. Naw, it don't work that way mad I've been known to break a few windows and just drag someone out of their window by their hair before because they thought they were safe. Pilar, trust me, you ain't safe, and I guaran-damn-tee that I won't see you at the next cleanup or floatilla. Keep talking your ****.

Break out the BBQ. Sounds like a board that will be cookin'.
Posted by: MasterBaiter

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 12:20 PM

MB is in the house! I am a member of both but I am fading into the lurker corners there! Need to get my NET SOAP OPERA fix periodically. Hopefully we can all get back to the Biz at hand soon, fishing tech and telling lies! wink

Hey Yall, your BB antics are a f***ing riot, LMAO!

MB the Hard Way! cool

Posted by: Osprey

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 12:37 PM

Timberman you bring the match.......I'll bring the Gasoline
Redneck you bring the weiners.....since there is all ready one there laugh
(a very little one at that).....Os
Posted by: blackdog

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 12:55 PM

I haven't been a member of either board for very long, and mostly just lurk. Originally, I started to learn some new techniques from all you 'experts'. Now, the only reason I look at all is to see what all you women are squacking and gossiping about. Its hillarious, especially over here, to see all of you badmouth all the gossiping on ifish the proceed to run a huge thread backstabbing all of them. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I guess this is what happens when there isn't enough fishing to be done. Can't wait for the silver and fall chinook to start running so we can maybe get a report or a new technique or two once in a while.
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 01:53 PM

Now, the only reason I look at all is to see what all you women are squacking and gossiping about.

Then maybe you shouldn't post confused

We aren't backstabbing, and if you were 'lurking' longer than you have, then you'd know that the "constructive criticism and feedback" is not allowed on ifish. You can't post opinions there. Maybe that's why the population of Oregonians on this BB have increased as of late? Or do you 'lurkers' just like to follow the fishermen???
Posted by: Pilar

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 02:03 PM

Geez that's funny redneck. Checked your flame over there yet? Not edited, not deleted.

Maybe you can stop looking down your drawers long enough to have a coherent thought about what you would specifically change about the Ifish rules.

Maybe not.
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 02:29 PM


Maybe I can get away with this, now.????

Pillar: Get a life. You are givin' coasties a bad rep. If you don't like it, turn the channel.

Hey Y'all: If "y'all" is singular, shouldn't "all Y'all" be plural. confused

Hey Y'all calls 'em as he sees 'em, and should be commended for his honesty. (I haven't fished with him, so I can't COMPLETELY vouch for his honesty, but at least he doesn't leave anything to the imagination. Well, maybe that's not such a good thing, either. eek ) At least I appreciate his humor. smile Keep on giving us those entertaining posts.

Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 03:54 PM


The letters S, T, F, and U are your friends too. Learn them. Understand them. Live by them.

With every post you do nothing more than tarnish further your reputation as well as the reputation of iFish. You are a moderator on that board and therefore your actions here shine a bad light on iFish.

If you don't like his posts on iFish, then either delete them or ban him. Heck, trespass him from the website. Just don't come over here with your weiner hanging out of your trousers looking to get into a pissing match with Hey_Y`all, cuz from what I've seen here you can't get it past your fly and you just end up pissing all over yourself anyway.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 04:13 PM

I have belonged to both sites for a long time. And I have been a moderator on both sites. So, I have a unique perspective to offer on all of this stuff ... oh man, I forgot what I was going to say. laugh
Posted by: CATCH AND EAT

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 04:35 PM

I belong to both sites. Lots of junk on ifish but sometimes good information. Site is clickish though and the chat room is nothing more than boring "who's bbq ing what"

It is tough to get a straight answer from most folks regarding techs and areas.
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 05:16 PM

Pilar posted a great apology to me over there rolleyes I guess when apologies are concerned, he was never taught HUMILITY because "don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining" with that 'apology'. Hopefully Jennie will yank him as moderator before she loses anymore members. If not, welcome! mad
Posted by: SotarBoy

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 05:54 PM

I am a member of both boards. Don't post here much and only lurk occasionally. Ifish is turning into a big SOAP Opera that I am completely avoiding now. A couple weeks ago I called RT on some stuff that I thought was out of line. I was not defending anyone, I was just venting some frustration with what was going on over there. RT, you probably know who I am now. Any way, You can still find some good reports over there and some pretty good tech occasionally. I will continue to use both boards and keep out of the s..t.
Posted by: AllThumz

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 07:40 PM

I originally logged into iFish, and then later here. Why the hard feelings there spilled onto this board is beyond me, but "internal" problems should be handled "internally."

What's happening is that new people are going to be run off by the bickering. frown

I've been fishing close to 50 years, but have only started to get serious about salmon/steelhead, so I'm here for the information, and will someday hope to repay the favor.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 09:41 PM

i`m an i-fisher, anybody seen "boater" wink
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 10:36 PM

I started here at PP and migrated over to include Ifish after reading RT's posts. I think we're similar, yet different crowds. A little less uptight here. I've been around the block with people here, too, but not usually somebody whining about the board being too "NC-17 rated". Here at PP, I act like I'm at home with friends, at Ifish I act a little more like I'm at my folks' house and I need to tread a little lighter.

I'll probably continue at Ifish since there are some good people there, and we shouldn't "throw the baby out with the bathwater" because one moderator there decided to drag his fight with the Redneck over here. It was definitely a lunkhead move on Pilar's part, but I think the redneck is grown up enough to handle his own affairs (Not with livestock, redneck eek ). Our southern friend has a sense of humor that apparently offends some people......I don't really get it 'cause I think he's pretty hilarious. Must be the women over there or something........ confused
Posted by: Down Bobber

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/21/01 11:28 PM

I am so busy working, and when I'm not working I'm fishing. Anyway I live at the mouth of the Columbia (Buoy 10 country) and I do post on ifish every now and then. I will post some things about Buoy 10 if ya like. I just thought that this board was for more of up north. I can see that I was wrong, there are allot of folks from Oregon here. I will start to check this board out more often from now on.

Fishing is tuff, but I have to provide food for my family.
Posted by: Steelheader69

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 12:43 AM

I'm on both boards, but I rarely ever post on ifish. Hell, I've only posted on ifish lately to defend Yall and RT and post my opinions.

The only reason I went to ifish in the first place is because of RT. I liked his style and he was a REAL person. Just like all the fisherman I know. I went to ifish while it was still somewhat small. I think I'm like the 200th person to sign on. Only problem, it became more and more restrictive. I know SOME of the EX moderators were more coerced into their (or shall I say someone elses) decisions on post deletions. It got so bad that great posts with one, maybe two, bad replies were completely deleted. Alot of good info was lost. From that point forward, hostilities rained. You could tell all the people who kissed Jennies butt and those of us who stood up for our ways of life. Funny thing of all, it was the people who were new that seemed to rule the board.

Oh well, I was on Bob's first, and will stay. Most of my friends who I met on Ifish are here anyways.


Oh yeah, the only reason you see people on here complaining about ifish is the censorship. It doesn't take long to have a post wiped out, or completely deleted at a whim. If you want the grey poupon, napkin, and wine, go to Ifish. If you want the real, old fashioned fishing lifestyle, come here.

We have RT, Os, TM, Dan, and Yall, who more do we need??? smile
Posted by: bronc

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 01:35 AM

i,m fairly new to this b,b could some body give me the url of ifish so i can see what all the controversity is all about. laugh eek
Posted by: Fishhead Vic

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 04:38 AM

Bronc you can get there at I havent had any problems over there. Good luck..........Fishhead Vic
Posted by: superfly

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 05:35 AM

I have been on both boards for quite sometime.
I think that once everyone over there gets there dosage right on the thorazine and prozac it will be allright again.
I too was "called out" by a certain few, and they publicly posted private e-mails, I was amazed at the support I recieved like yall is, but if you think about it for 1/2 a second he should get nothing but support because of his honesty and wit. He has done nothing wrong and tried to make ammends while others still stir it. I am proud to say the redneck is a friend and we have fished together, nothing but a southern gentleman laugh anyways I hope to see things get back on track over there because variety is the spice of life cool cool
Peace Superfly
P.S. The ***** stuff is nothing compared to this!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 11:12 PM

Southern gentleman? Yeah okay I'll agree but I'm still not introducing him to my daughter...or cat.....or dog laugh Yall is a pretty cool dude and it was fun fishing with him,Jeffhead and RT today.
Posted by: bronc

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 11:19 PM

Originally posted by Fishhead Vic:
Bronc you can get there at I havent had any problems over there. Good luck..........Fishhead Vic
thanks for the info, fishead. i did find the site ,looks good , as long as they stick to fishing .

eek laugh :p
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 11:50 PM

Hey, I remembered what I was going to say about all of this! The downturn was when ... ah ... downturn w a s ... oh geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, I went and forgot what I was going to say again! mad aaaaarrrrrggggg shocked

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: RT 1 ]
Posted by: Trick

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/22/01 11:58 PM

I'm a localized northwest Oregon fisherman. Grew up outside of Astoria and learned that area well. Ifish seems to suit my flavor because I still concentrate my efforts close to home. I hop in here every so often to check things out.

I had my $h*t jumped about 5 or 6 months ago about posting an off-colored remark on Ifish and I decided then to keep it fishing, not because they told me too, but because I spend most of my freetime with my family and fishing. I don't have time to waste taking sides, giving my .02, or getting in pissing matches with people.

I still post often on ifish, it is almost always about fishing and I may mildly joke every once in awhile. I really think most of you waste too much time and energy on this stuff. I'm free with my knowledge and will post when I have useful info. to give. I ask alot of questions to better my knowledge and most everyone on ifish always helps me out. I've learned alot from RT, Os, Pilar, Stew, Yall' and the rest. I look forward to meeting many of you on the water someday.

Outside of this post I'm not going to waste my time trying to put forth my morals, who I think is right or wrong, or even the people I'd like to kick-a$$ on.

I'll tell you that you shouldn't let one person piss you off so bad that you toss the rest of the boat out. I'd appreciate to see everyone here that has useful info. and tips to post wherever they think it will do the most good. We have a great bunch of insightful people on both boards that share a common interest, fishing. Lets try to build on that first.

I'll leave it at that...see ya on the river!

cool cool cool
Posted by: Jeffhead

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 12:08 AM

Been posting on ifish, here, and Marty's for about a year or so. Takin' a break from the ifish board,, not so sure I like the direction it's headed. Learned a lot, shared a lot, but to much starch in the collar lately.
Good luck and tight lines, Jeff laugh laugh
Posted by: Pitch Pocket

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 12:38 AM

I lurk and post on both. I don't generally get involved with the bickering on either. When I have lots of time, I read the petty arguments and hard feelings about not being able to post "adult content" on the family fishing board. It looks like those people have found a home here. They appear to be in the minority, evidenced by the short list of daily posting here compared to 2-3 pages of topics on ifish. I read other topic boards too and if I spent time reading all the crap, I'd never get any work done. Apparently some folks have alot of time on their hands.

ifish has more daily posts with truly interested beginners and experienced fishermen and women alike. If you want fishing content, ifish is a good place to start. I come here afterwards and glance over the short list of topics before going to to check the weather at the Tillamook bar.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. Don't burn your bridges.
Never spit on someone while going up the ladder, you will surely see him on the way down.

Posted by: Steelheader69

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 01:41 AM

I'm really curious who you are Pitch Pocket. By your limited posts, lack of profile/email, and blatant defense of ifish makes me wonder who you really are or who put you up to coming over here.

First off, to say that one board has more people posting on it makes it better is bunk. There is alot of low key low response posts on there. Second most of the people posting are asking questions by inexperienced anglers and most of the responses are by the same guys who are making the posts over here. Most of us are accomplished fishermen/women and have only the occasional question or two. Plus, this has become our place to hang out.

Ifish was never presented as a "family board". When I first went there because of RT it was much like this board is now. We are more representative of people who are true sportsman, not the people who consider this a "hobby".

I don't want this to seem like a slam on you, I know it does seem that way. It's just there's always a new person that is completely unknown here defending ifish and slamming bob's. I basically have completely left ifish. I go back and do a quick look. But all the "good info" you seem to be talking about is the same retoric replayed over and over again. What alot of us have been either edited or deleted for were very mild things. Some were borderline, but most were PG13 at best.

Oh well, I guess I could say like they do at ifish "it's a free country, you don't like it leave". But I welcome you here, and if you want to pull up a chair, grab a drink, and BS with all of us over our daily catch come on in. You're more then welcome....try to find that at Ifish. You won't if you go against the grain......
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 03:49 AM

This time I remember:

Check out the "Conflict Resolution Proposals - Then Let's Fish" thread on Ifish. - With the help of Jerry D. (Steelheader69) we likely have hit upon resolution and peace. Essentially both this BB and the ifish BB are obviously going to continue to have useful and interesting fishing threads - but the difference beyond that is ifish will be family oriented and Bob's site here will be aimed more at adult fishermen; and the guy's "boat talk" fun threads we like to banter around with between the fishing things - as long as Bob continues to be agreeable with this trend (and I bet he will as long as we keep things within reason). Posting your positve feedback here and in the Ifish thread would be a very good thing to do now. At least more will know where to have fishing guy's kind of fun. Fish on! Party on!

Posted by: RPetzold

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 03:57 AM

Since when did this become IFISH's board vs. Bob's board??? It never even came close to an issue to there was a huge migration from IFISH to here. confused
Posted by: Pitch Pocket

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/23/01 01:44 PM


I defend no board. I’m not “put up” by anyone. Unique as it may seem, I’m just an interested fisherman that has enjoyed both boards for their fishing content with no hidden agenda. I’m not so new either, I posted under another moniker when this board started, but put up Pitch Pocket because I liked it better. I’m also a parent of 3 great kids who at times have to be separated when they start bickering back and forth. It doesn’t mean that I disown the transgressor and only relate favorably to the one I agree with.

I never said that ifish was better because there are more posters. My point is that more people seem to post on that site than here. It doesn’t make it better; it means that there are more posts, plain and simple. Yes, there are more inexperienced fisherman/women there, but I didn’t know being a “true sportsman” was an elitist club. I look to both boards for tech info and interesting questions and offer mine when it seems applicable.

I think you are wrong about the family values idea. When Jen first put up the board, RT was not there. He did a great job of offering technical expertise and added a dimension to the board that made it interesting and fun. The whole “Peyton Place” started when RT went beyond what Jen considered good taste and he “reeled” (pardon the pun). Instead of adjusting his posts, he turned and stomped out rather rudely.

It appears that Jen simply does not want the mild pornographic or abusive content on her board. I don’t think that is too much to ask. Most of the posts deleted (I caught a few) had little to no fishing content and were diversions from what seemed to be good taste. Those decisions whether right or wrong are Jen’s call. Judging from the continued readership and volume of posts, quite a few people don’t care if the off color, barroom humor is absent.

There seems to be a lot of angry “accomplished fisherman” here that have publicly disowned ifish, yet continue to lurk and even post there. There is no reason to be slamming or defending Bobs or the ifish board. Both sites are terrific. Most of the rhetorical posts at both sites are by the people scorned at being edited. If we can just get beyond the bickering back and forth and behave like adults, we can get back to the business of fishing.

Kids, go to your rooms!
Posted by: OneLastCast

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 02:00 AM

Pitch Pocket

FINALLY an intelligent, well reasoned post that with all the blathering from all sides, no one could produce. You did not even talk about your back, job, or wife.


Posted by: Steelheader69

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 04:41 AM

You know what. I try to lay down my sword on ifish, then onlastcast comes over here and lays a load of crap like that last statement of his. I know EXACTLY who that was laid towards. All my points were made honestly with why I was peeved on that board and I also tried to give some insight on why I was the way I was. If my back, exwife, or raising two young kids adds stress to my life so sue me. I'm sorry RT, but it's crap like that from a 3 poster that really pisses me off.

Now Pitchpocket, I'm not really sure what you're getting at. You say you've been around along time on both boards. I'm sure RT wasn't there at first. I know when I went over there, there was less then 1000 posts, maybe 600 topics, and only 200 members. It was still a fledgeling operation. I didn't see any sort of family values of the sort that's complained about now. I saw a site comparible to Bob's, but I was able to exchange wits with Oregon fisherman/women and get their takes on fishing. I never was deleted/edited in all that time. I personally watched the numbers rise to the amount of members there are today. It wasn't until a couple months ago that things went the way they are. To say RT got ticked and ran away from the board is ludicrous. I was heavily emailed by Jen and Steve about what was going on. I know exactly what was said on both sides of the coin. Did she email you all her problems? I heard alot of differences on what she wanted and how she wanted them. I don't care how she wants to run her site, it's hers for pete's sake. But to change your rules day in and day out is what got on alot of our nerves.

To add to this, we aren't angry fisherman. Yes, we are accomplished. I've met alot of these guys and have seen pictures of their conquests (and they've seen mine). We're all die hard fisherman. It's not a club, it's a lifestyle choice of ours. Most of these guys aren't lurking, they do still have friends on that board. Would you turn your back on a friend even if he was somewhere you didn't like? Of course not. Plus, trust me on this point. If you post on something you truly love, not like, but love you'd be pissed to if it was deleted. I'm not talking joke threads either. Os and I are hardcore cataraft enthusiasts. I've been doing it for over 12 years. Whitewater first then started using them for fishing. We've given alot of advice online. One of our posts that was 95% good was deleted completely because of 5% bad. It's the so called throwing the baby with the bathwater. There's never a stupid question and rarely bad advice. Some of us are very slow typers so takes forever and a day to type out one of these posts (luckily for me I took typing in high school). How long this post of mine is would take my Dad an hour to type, and I've done it in 5 minutes. So of course your hard work posting will piss you off if it's deleted.

To go back to the true sportsman speech. I have to go back and forth to check I'm not mispeaking anything. I'll reitterate. We're hardcore sportsman. It's not a new thing for us. It's something we've honed over the years. We've put alot of time and patience in to refine our skills before the days of computers and websites. We learned things on our own or earned the right from older respected fisherman to secret tips. No, it doesn't make you less a sportsman to get all the info off a website in 30 seconds that took us 20 years to get. What it doesn't do is make it ok to tell us that our lifestyle is wrong/immoral when it's something that's been going on since day one. Boat talk has been a common thing in the fishing community. I sent you an email about some of this PP. I knew (and still know) alot of hardcore fisherman and they're all this way. I MEAN ALL!!! It seems more the elitists that consider fishing a "sport" or a "hobby" don't believe in a dirty joke or shooting the s#*t. It's not a sport or hobby to us, it's a way of life. This is something that's really hard to explain. You have to live it. RT, Os, Yall, and the others know. They've been there. And YES, we're free to tell others tips and give suggestions. I've done it and so have the others mentioned (and not mentioned). Of course we'll be zipperlipped about certain runs and rivers. Someone who's too free about things of this nature have to be either stupid or outright lying. That's like telling a klepto where you stash your valuables. You're just leading others to your sacred spots. That's something you only do to close friends, not out to the millions of people on the internet.

Ok, off my crate.......
Posted by: OneLastCast

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 12:31 PM

Yeah Stealheadr69 that was a thinly veiled jab at you that was totally uncalled for and unwarrented. I apologize. That is what happens when I stay up past 9:00 pm.

But reread Pitch Pockets Post (say that real fast three times) It seems well thought out and reasonable. There is really not all that much difference between the boards.

Posted by: Pitch Pocket

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 04:11 PM

It's obvious that this is a very emotional issue for some. That's too bad. I wasn't trying to stir a hornets nest, just put in my apparently uninformed 2 cents worth. There are always more details than the general public knows to an issue and this is obviously one of them. However, all this dirty laundry has been aired in a public forum or two. I'm just responding to what it looks like.

You want to carry around hard feelings and recruit support for your side? Be my guest. Life is too short. I'll leave it to you guys who are more emotionally vested in the topic.
Posted by: Frogwater

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 06:16 PM

ifish is about Jennie as much as she can make it that. This site is about fishing and other fun also.

[ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: Frogwater ]
Posted by: Jennie_dup1

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 07:13 PM

Im here! I love this site and check it all the time.
Thanks for the added attention, frog!
Posted by: antifish

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 10:04 PM

Well...well Jennie. You might not like some of the things posted over here. This is not a feel good site like you have over there. Hope you didn't come over here to get your ego stroked 'cause it ain't happening. Family board my a** it's all about you getting your kudos from your synchophants. Anything that is even loosley critical of you get's 86'ed so don't give us this family values crap. Anyone doubt what I'm saying just go back and do a little research and you will see what I mean. RT and BigStew can't deny it either they are just too nice to say so.Ifish?... it's all about giving Jennie the warm fuzzies.......barf!

[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: antifish ]
Posted by: Pitch Pocket

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/24/01 10:19 PM


I'm just an interested fisherman that has enjoyed both boards for their fishing content with no hidden agenda.

I meant I have no hidden agenda. Geez, can't you guys just let it go? You're going to give yourselves a hemmorage.

[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: Pitch Pocket ]
Posted by: Steelheader69

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/25/01 03:08 AM

Hey OLC, I accept your apology. As I had said on Jen's board, I was explaining why I was easily upset. You have to admit, if you were hit with cabin fever from not being able to do any activity (including fishing) you'd be *****y too.

PP, for me, I'm not upset at all on my postings (except for my little jab from OLC). It's hard to read emotions on a BB. But on Jen's board, I joined it while it was only 2 months old (I went and checked her registration as #2 and my registration date). I really didn't miss much and i know there wasn't that many posts. So I'd say I was there at ground level and new what postings were like and how the board was run. RT was there, and I assume from day one on the BB side of it (RT can vouch for his time on there).

Hey, I have tried numerous times to just say "let it be" but I would get jumped on. I like you have kids (except mine are 4 and 6). Since my ex never comes to see them I can't just throw them in a boat and go (except in my sled). Since I love to drift, it's not as easy since I need to use a chaser and can't really leave my kids behind while I pickup my rig. So I have curtailed my fishing a bit (except taking my kids trout fishing). This is my "fishing" so I do take it personally. I come here, because one can only tie up so many flies, jigs, and rigs. I have surplused so many that I have given away and sold quite a bit (hey RT, you gonna take some of my specials on the Cow? Might be good jigs for silvers). I only get probably 40-60 days fishing in a year (which is down alot since I used to put well over 140 easily). I liked Jens board, but as someone had said it gets a bit too political. It all depends on what you say and who you say it to dictates on whether it will stay or go.

I welcome anyone here. I just don't really give a you know what anymore. I know I can come here and relax. I'll scan ifish and post accordingly. No emus there...... smile
Posted by: Fishhead Vic

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/29/01 03:25 AM

Ok, so now that 52 posts have shown up on this thread lets see how many are from oregon and how many from washington and any other states. laugh Thanks ....Fishhead Vic laugh
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/29/01 11:32 AM

Here are your tallies:

WA: 16
OR: 18

OTH: Master Baiter, since his location is in the "NW" with no state listed.
Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: How many ifishers here? - 06/29/01 12:22 PM

Redneck shows off his mathematanical prowess! wink