We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: superfly

We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:19 AM

Un-[Bleeeeep!] believeable, My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved. This is the first time since the civil war and the war of 1812 that we have had this kind of carnage in the continentel united states.
Sure we had Pearl Harbor which thrust us into world war two, but the was a millitary strike against a millitary target. This time we are talking about a chicken **** terrorist attack against people like all of us who make up this great country. God help these sorry mother Phukers that did this because we will hunt them down and killl them all!!!!!!!!!!1 mad mad
I think we all know who is responsible for this, now lets go kill em All!!!!!!!!!!!
Once again My heart and thoughts go out to all who have been killed and or are casaulities, GOD BLESS !!!!!!

Peace Superfly

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:45 AM

I think we need to go turn that desert into a piece of Dale Chahuli glass art that will reflect the sun for a 1000 years......someone signed up for an a$$ whoopin today. My sympathies for all the people and families involved.
Posted by: Hey Yall Watch This

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:51 AM

6 cases of police issue 4B

2 cases of 1B


My best friend from college works right at the trade center, lives right there in that area, and NOW HE'S ****ING DEAD. You want to talk about a coupon? I'll ****ing kill you until you die from it you pakistani yemen *******s!!@! mad mad mad
Posted by: Dogfish

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 12:07 PM

I am literally sick to my stomach. The indiscriminate killings of thousands of our countrymen and women demands a severe decisive response. We need to continue the hunt until we have brought all of these scum to justice. Once these folks have been convicted in a court of law, they need to be immediately executed in a public setting. Drawing and quartering seems appropriate.

I am so sad for the families of the dead that I have tears in my eyes. I now know the anger my grandfather felt when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. What makes this even worse is that these were civilians.

One word sums it up, HORRIFIC.
Posted by: Osprey

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 12:08 PM

I cannot beleive to total disreguard for Human life by these,chicken $hit Muther Phuckers.......Why the second phucking plane?????? didn't do enought damage with the first one.....turn it (middle east)into a waste land
Lock en load ....here they come....Osprey
Posted by: RPetzold

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 12:21 PM

I have been very upset with the horrible racism that has began to form because of this attack. We all know who is behind this-Bin Laden.

But after watching !!THEM!! celebrate in the Middle East the civillian loss that has taken place in OUR country, I can not help but feel the same way that Superfly, Hey All and Osprey do.

We never celebrated your death during the Persian Gulf War. In fact, many of us dissaprove of the horrible sanctions that have hit Iraq. The US never celebrated the death and desctruction that took place during World War I, World War II and the Vietnam Way. Why must you cold hearted b@astards celebrate the thousands that were lost. I no longer feel for the horrible state in which the Middle East is. I no longer disaprove of Isreal's actions against the PLO etc. etc. etc.

Maybe I am being irrational but Hell is too nice of a place for many of YOU!!

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: RPetzold ]
Posted by: LittleZoZo

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 01:01 PM

First off, My sincerest appologies to anyone who has lost a loved one to this horrible trajedy. That being said, We've bred this catastrophie. The terrorists continue this form of warfare on our country only for one reason..... BECAUSE THEY ARE BEING ALLOWED TO GET AWAY WITH IT!!!! We've screwed around and around with the Muslim countries and now this is what we get to reap! If our country would've dealt the fatal blow to the Arab countries a long time ago then we wouldn't be dealing with this kind of $hit right now. The very first time an act of terrorism was ever commited on the U.S. by a Militant Muslim group, we should've gone in and put the fear of God into those Arabs, and I'm not talking about some ships sitting out in the Gulf launching missles at "Stratigec" Military targets either. I'm talking about going into their homes, torturing and killing every man, woman, and child. Destroying their culture, destroying their Mosques and temples, and systematically destroying their entire race. I know, it's harsh to say the least, but drastic situations require drastic measures. We've tried the diplomatic route with these people and it hasn't worked. Arab society is violent by nature, hence violence is all they understand. What's more, Islamic law says that Bin Laden and those like him are performing the work of God by doing what they do, so these Terrorists have the sympathy, if not the total backing of all of Islamic society. However, If ten or twenty thousand Muslims were to die terrible deaths everytime An american Embassy or a Trade center were bombed, then maybe they wouldn't be so quick to protect those who where responsible for these attacks on America. For the record, I don't regard these remarks as Rascist. I regard these opinions as necessary in the best interest of self preservation. Trust me, if we go over there, kill about 5,000,000 of those Arabs, burn their bodies and then put them on display, they'll think twice next time.
Posted by: Steelheadman

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 01:34 PM

First of all my prayers and thoughts are with those who perished and who are injured. Give blood!!! Please be safe. Good thing my wife's travel to DC was canceled and her co-workers never got off the ground. I went in to work and took off, picked up my kids from daycare (No way am I sending them to school with all the military children). I feel like I am living in Israel or Ireland. But I know our great country will come out of this stronger than ever and bring to justice those responsible. Take care and god bless.
Posted by: hawk

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 02:03 PM

My prayers go out to the thousands of families who have been impacted by this horrible tragedy. If you want to do something positive, call a blood bank, and make a donation.

The only point I want to make clear, is that all of the Mid East people in our country will now be considered trash. I hate to sound like a bleeding heart liberal, but these people don't deserve that. Most of them are in this country to escape the tryanny overseas. Think twice before you start thinking about joining the ranks of scum suckers. Don't get me wrong, I am mad, hurt, and p*ssed beyond belief, as I have a couple people in Metro New York that are involved in this also, but we have to go after the people responsible for this. Not people of the same race.

As far as the low life phucks that did this, I hope they rot in hell, and I would personally slit their throat. mad mad mad

These b*stards have stricken fear in the hearts of every dam person in this country. They have to be held accountable, as do the people who continue to give them refuge. Now is the time to exercise keen judgement, and swift punishment. Their time will soon be at hand. mad mad mad
Posted by: rainycity

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 02:05 PM

Them chicken $hit cowards..
All I can say is once the democratic world finds out who is responsible for this act of terrorism, if they have the balls to declare it, I say flatten the whole freakin` country where it comes from, I know that may sound extreme but let`s face it, most of the people in those countries believe in the same chicken $hit bull that happened here today,
America this , America that, they don`t realize how many times we have come to their aid or anything...
They have no regard for human life...I say turn em to glass
Posted by: KNOPHISH

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 02:19 PM

Posted by: hawk

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 02:26 PM

Your Welcome
Posted by: Leadslinger

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 02:44 PM

RPetzold,there is nothing racist about despising a bloody,hateful and EVIL religion.
These people celebrate death and murder for God.
Islam is not racially exclusive.This has nothing to do with skin tone.Anger is OK here.
I say we treat those Muslims responsible just like we did the Nazis.
Posted by: AkKings

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 03:10 PM

Knophish, lets just hope G.W. doesn't leave the job partially complete like his old man did!

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 03:19 PM

I think there also needs to be some domestic heads that roll too. How can American Airlines live with the fact that 2 of its planes were hijacked? TWO! Where is there security?? Who is running that joke? Why didn't the CIA pick any of this up? Isn't it their job to find this stuff out BEFORE it happens? They knew people were coming into Seattle to possibly bomb the Space Needle on New Years 2000 and caught them...how could something this big get away? How could a plane going from Washington DC to L.A get all the way to New York without attracting a bunch of attention? and then a second plane too? In addition to hunting down the people directly responsible for this tragedy, there are also alot of others that have to have a guilty conscience today...lets start with the animal rights activists, tree huggers and everyone else who wants to be politically correct for getting society to the point they are affraid to inconvenience someone trying to get on a plane to make sure their bags are not hiding anything for fear of a lawsuit. Today is a turning point in American history, as famous as D-day, Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City....it should be a wake up for both how we deal with foreign terrorists, and how we deal with each other....where does the individuals right end and societies begin?....its a new school year, and class is now in session!
Posted by: GutZ

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 03:21 PM

Posted by: JasonS

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 03:27 PM

Hey Steelheadman whats the problem with sending your kids to school with "Military Children" ?

Posted by: StorminN

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 04:41 PM

We don't know yet that it was Islamics, Muslims, Bin Laden, etc... no one is sure.

Remember when Oklahoma City happened, everyone immediately assumed it was someone from the Middle East, no one could imagine it would be an American, turns out the suspects weren't from the Middle east, they were from Middle America...

My heart goes out to the people back east, (my entire family lives in RI) we as a country will make it through this and get it sorted out. I knew someone that was in the Lockerbie crash, both her and her fiancee died there, you just work through it and move on.

Just glad I heard my friend that lives in NYC and friends that were flying today are all OK.

P.S. One of my uncles in RI owns a small home heating company, he said home heating oil went up $0.15 today, he was down filling up the trucks before the price went up... you might want to fill up your big rigs, it's another excuse for the oil companies to raise the price of gas again.

Posted by: Marc Fulmer

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 04:54 PM

Originally posted by hawk:
My prayers go out to the thousands of families who have been impacted by this horrible tragedy. If you want to do something positive, call a blood bank, and make a donation.

The only point I want to make clear, is that all of the Mid East people in our country will now be considered trash. I hate to sound like a bleeding heart liberal, but these people don't deserve that. Most of them are in this country to escape the tryanny overseas. Think twice before you start thinking about joining the ranks of scum suckers. Don't get me wrong, I am mad, hurt, and p*ssed beyond belief, as I have a couple people in Metro New York that are involved in this also, but we have to go after the people responsible for this. Not people of the same race.

As far as the low life phucks that did this, I hope they rot in hell, and I would personally slit their throat. mad mad mad

These b*stards have stricken fear in the hearts of every dam person in this country. They have to be held accountable, as do the people who continue to give them refuge. Now is the time to exercise keen judgement, and swift punishment. Their time will soon be at hand. mad mad mad

I agree with what you are saying here. I have never felt such eagerness for swift justice along with a keen since of protecting my family. I am fearfull of the possibility of uncontrolled anger and rage towards individuals, organizations & countries. I have three sons of military age that could and would eagerly volunteer to fight such a fight, one of them at school on Long Island this morning! I want to see the responsible parties eliminated from this planet. I don't want to see this blown up into a war bigger than it stratigically needs to be. Where do you draw the line in our justice and revenge for this attack? We need to exercise some wisdom about this. During WWII we interred Americans of Japanese heritage. We have learned that was a mistake.

Man, I can't believe this, although they have been telling us for years this would happen. I pray for all of the families affected this morning.

Posted by: Slab Quest

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 05:10 PM

As most of us have known for a long time, these organizations will use ANYTHING at their disposal to kill Americans. If they had nuclear bombs they would not hesitate for one second to annihilate us. I think it is only a matter of time before they get them. Perhaps our politicos should bear this in mind as they decide how to deal with them.
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 07:34 PM

bloody,hateful and EVIL religion.

Hmmm, that's what the Muslims are saying about the Jews and Christians, it's what the Protestants are saying about the Catholics, it's what the Chinese say when going after Tibet.

What the hell is it that makes ANY group think theirs is the one-and-only-way-it-should-be-everybody-else-is-WRONG religion? Pitiful! As if ANY CREATOR would condone such cowardly, inhuman acts. People use religion to justify the most heinous of actions.......it makes me sick. mad

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Dan S. ]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 07:43 PM

In a time like this there is no partisan politics! No democrats or republicans! We're Americans! and we don't take this lightly. The cowards need to know that they have now drawn the line in the sand and America WILL act! In the words of a great American spoken over 40 years ago."Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty"
I too pray for peace but I also pray for swift and sure justice to those that committed this heinous act!

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Steelhead Stew ]
Posted by: Steelheadman

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 07:48 PM

Jason, My problem with sending my children to school with military children is that the school they go to is a potential target for terrorists. They knocked a hole in the Pentagon. I was just there last month. I don't know if the school is secure. Several federal, state, and local buildings were closed today and non-essential workers given the option to go home. Several naval vessels have been dispatched to the East Coast. I'm just going to play it safe today and play it by ear tommorrow. I hope Bush doesn't let these terrorists off the hook like George Sr. let Saddam off the hook.
Posted by: Desertdog

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 09:37 PM

My thoughts an prayers to all who suffer a loss this day. I can't recall a scarier day in my 49 years.

To those who committed this heinous act may you die a slow and painful death many times.

And a thought to all who look to place blame. The Religions of the world teach peace. If you take the time to learn from the true followers you will find this to be true. Unfortunately there are many evil men in the world with the ability to twist words and weak minds to serve thier own needs for power. It is not the religion that brings this evil but the evil within men.

If you wish to focus your anger focus on the men that lead the fools.

Our great Country was founded due to religious intolorance. Lets not forget how we got to be the great Country we are. If we forget this we become no better than those we dispise.

I cannot begin to put to words the sadness I feel.

US Navy 70-74
Posted by: Krome Brite

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 10:10 PM

Definitely was a crime against humanity. I was once told by a teacher, that these people wont stop at anything to take over the world. They have no fear of death. I'm sorry, but their religion is so f*cked up. Sorry to hear about your friend Mike and everybody else involved. frown

As far as George W., IMO he sits on his ass all day vacationing and is unusually apathetic about getting involved. Hope he and congress doesn't [Bleeeeep!] up now and send this whole country to war. I say get the air force out there, find Bin-Laden and kill him first, then annihilate the whole f*cking area. That wont be a crime against humanity-those freaks aren't human. mad

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Krome Brite ]
Posted by: Leadslinger

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 10:24 PM

Islam is,in my opinion,hateful and bloody.
This opinion is not based on my religion,it is based on their acts and personal experience.
Review the Palestinian celebration tapes.You will not see such behavior in any other culture.
Celebration of blood and murder for God is to be condemned in the harshed terms and not ignored.
My point was that intolerance for an intolerant religion is not racist.Nor does it have to do with any other religion.
Posted by: Desertdog

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 10:50 PM

My point is and remains that it is not the religion but the people using it for power. Look at Ireland. Prot vs. caltholic. That is just one example. Evil men will continue to twist what ever they can to subject weak minded people that do not learn to think for themselves.

KromeBrite. I do not mean to offend you by this. "my teacher said" That is not learning. That is simply accepting as fact what somebody in authourity has told you. Are you sure he is correct on this. Has he studied the subject matter. Or is he just another religously intolerant individual that is willing to accept as fact what the mass media has tried to give us. Find a nieghbor that is muslim or islamic. Ask them what thier religion teaches. You will learn from someone that knows what is taught and what we have seen here is not what is taught. Unless you decide to check it out for yourself you can not understand or claim to know.

I am not muslim or islamic but I have had co workers that were. They found these cowardly acts as repugnant as you or I. Further it was thier view that the perps of the acts would not see Heaven.

My day was spent waiting for a phone call from a family member who was in harms way today. I am among the lucky ones in that I got my phone call. I cried for those that did not.

I quess that what I am trying to say is don't take somebodies elses word for anything. Check it out for yourself. Then you will have an understanding of what is truth and what is myth. And myths die real hard.

Those who did this need to be found and destroyed. Thourghly and completly never to rise again never to bring sorrow to anyone in this world ever again.

May God comfort all of you who have suffered loss this day.

God bless America

Posted by: rustyhook

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:01 PM

First let us all pray for the victims and the families of the victims.

Give blood --- support the government --- and hope for a quick and extreme response to this horror.

As a retired soldier of 29 years, waiting to know about friends in the Pentagon is hard.

What makes me mad is watching those pukes on the west bank celebrate death. That makes me want to put on the uniform again and be part of an extreme scorched earth response when it happens.

God Bless America
Posted by: Desertdog

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:17 PM


I agree
would love to be the one to load the bombs and launch the aircraft to strike back at these cowards.

USNavy 70-74
Posted by: Mountin' Man

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/11/01 11:36 PM

When we're done with these spineless cowards, all that should be left of them and the countries that harbor them is a smoking hole in the ground.
Posted by: Steelheader69

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 12:37 AM

It has been a very sad day, and all my thoughts and prayers go out to the families hit by this tradgedy.

I can't believe this. I was driving to work this morning and thought it was a joke. That's until every station I went to had the same reports. It's sickening, and hopefully they catch the people responsible for this. I'd have to say, that a comparison on who did this on the OKC angle is wrong. These individuals killed themselves for their cause, what you'd see a muslim do for a jihad. Most people would've planned this so they'd be well away from the explosions when they occured. It's way too early to point fingers. There are alot of countries that hate us and of course they'll celebrate, if they've done it or not. Once we find out who the perpetrators are and who the backers of it are we should use full force to extinguish them. If a government is behind it then they commited an act of war. I don't want to see a war happen, but this was uncalled for.

I do feel sorry for those who live here that may be of muslim origins. What happens is so much anger effects your judgement and you want to take it out on the people who are near you (which it's possible some of them may be responsible). This was a well orchestrated plan and had alot of help. I'm sure there were plenty of people working for the airlines that were involved. There were too many factors that had to go right if it was a small party planned event. I know there are only a couple groups that could do this job.

Once again, I pray for the families. Show your support for our country. Give blood. Give what your country asks for you. And of all things, FLY YOUR FLAG!!!!!! Show your support by flying old glory outside your home. Mine went up tonight.
Posted by: RPetzold

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 12:54 AM

Originally posted by hawk:

The only point I want to make clear, is that all of the Mid East people in our country will now be considered trash. I hate to sound like a bleeding heart liberal, but these people don't deserve that. Most of them are in this country to escape the tryanny overseas. Think twice before you start thinking about joining the ranks of scum suckers.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR RATIONILISM!!!...I hope that like you, we can all prevent ourselves from falling into a trap of becoming hateful people...hateful like our enemies.

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: RPetzold ]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 01:15 AM

Good points Desertdog. ...

I have read some literature on some of the reasons the Muslims and other Arabic people's hate America. Their basis does not make enough sense; nor does their phony takes on religion. How could these idiots be so phucking dumb and hateful? To the point of being willing to die to kill some of us? What comes to my mind is that they are dumb enough to live on sand! What does that say for them?!? They phucking live on sand and wallow around chanting hatred! The smarter ones, who are still dumb and evil, have enough oil money to carry out such things as happened today. Previous to today I was of the mindset that the minority in power and a minority of fanatics over there were the hardcore American haters; but after watching film of all those Palistinians dancing happily in their streets I now think most of them are phucked! Even the women were out dancing around making their happy faced tongues flutter like ugly turkey sounds they were so gidy happy. Somehow I don't think this is right to feel, but at this time tonight I feel the best thing would be to go ahead a get the nukes out all over the hottest and most hate filled areas of the Middle East, and as was mentioned here "turn them into glass", or ashes in the sand!

Posted by: B-RUN STEELY

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 01:34 AM

You know, the thing that was real hard for me to deal with today was some of the questions my kids were asking me. Its pretty hard to put a face on this kind of thing so that a 9 and a 12 year old can really understand it. I grew up knowing from about age 4 or 5 that the USSR could and someday would try and blow up the world. It took a couple of decades but all that pretty much is behind us.. So when they show a picture of this little ***** sitting on a rock with a beard and a rag around his head... Its hard for my kids to understand how this person can be the one who did all this.

My point here is have a talk with your kids. They have been bombarded with this thing and can't figure out how or why this happened.. I suspect there will be a whole lotta news here in the next few days.. and none of its going to be pretty
Posted by: RPetzold

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 01:59 AM

Americans are hated in the Middle East, not because we are a democratic society but because of the control the American government has pressed upon the Middle East.

As a country and as a capilistic society run by big companies and also as a country whose economy seems to rise and fall with oil prices, our government demands stability in the Middle East. The Middle East as we all know, is a region rich in many differnt religions with very differnt theologies.

Isreal is our only true allie in the Middle East-the only reason Saudi Arabia allows us to use their soil for our troops is because they fear Saddam Hussein. The Isrealies as we all know are hated for having the Holy Land given to them. And because America fuels millions of dollars in Isreal every year to maintain a strong hold in the Middle East, Americans are resented and hated by Muslims.

Isreal and the land they hold and the battles they fight are the only reasons that 'stability' (notice the quotes) is maintened in the Middle East.

They want us out, they want our companies out of their oil fields, they want our money to stop flowing freely to Isreal and they want our troops to leave and untill all this takes place (Never-the closest we will ever come is when we become a sulf-sufficent, energy-wise, country.) we as a country will always be faced in the strong threat of terrosist actions from groups like Bin-ladens and every year or two we will have loss of American lives with their blood on the hands of Muslims.

We most also remember that the terrosist Muslims bastadize the Koran to promote their agenda and to fuel the hatred of Americans.

THIS SAID-I more angry then I have ever been and contain more haterid then I ever have. I wish I did not but I do...it is human nature.
Posted by: Timber

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 02:15 AM

Timber Man has returned home and is ready to phuckin kill any rag head ******* that shows there face!!!!!These sorry son-of-a *****hs need there nads chopped off...Its time to take a stand and stop slapping hands and seek and destroy!!!!! If they need a snipper I am more then willing to HELP for that matter any help to destroy this kock sucker I would love to help...they had no regard for our women and children so why should we?!?!?!?! Bin Laden lock and load mother [Bleeeeep!] we are on our way!!!! nullnull Bin Laden You are a DEAD mother [Bleeeeep!]..No need to search any farther this is the culprit...TM mad

To all familys our prayers are with you in this tragic time frown
Posted by: Leadslinger

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 03:09 AM

Sorry Ryan,but that is only partially true.You are right that we are hated because of our support for Israel.
Bin Laden however has also attacked Russia,a supporter of the Arab states and a critic of Israel.
In the Caucus region a jihad rages started by the Muslims in Chechnya.They twice invaded a Russian Federation state,Dagestan,and after their second expultion attacked Russia with three terrorist bombings starting a full fledged war with Russia.Their goal was to expand Islam into the Caucus region of Europe.Half of the invading Muslim force was commanded by a gulf Arab named Khattab.His mainly Arab foreign-volunteer jihadists are supported and trained by Bin Laden and the Taliban.Afghanistan is their lifeline.
This aggression has nothing to do with Israel,it has to do with weakness.They thought Russia vulnerable and attacked.We,like Russia, are also a target of opportunity for this murderer.
This is not a time for weakness and introspection.None of those victims deserved their death because of "US mideast policy".This is a time to focus on the enemy and not reasons why he doesn't like us.
After we take this attacker down hard you can ask "why" all you want.First we take this bstard down.It's a matter of survival.
Don't think that we are considered to be the Great Satan simply because of our support of Israel.It just isn't true.
Posted by: FreeDrifter

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 11:00 AM

Yesterday was the single worst day for my proud union. We lost Approx. 200-300 brother/sister firefighters. Please take the time and thank your neighborhood fire department for what they do to protect us. These following days will be very difficult for all firefighters nation wide. We do not lose brothers or sisters with out feeling the personal effects! Lets never forget how precious or freedom is! Take a moment and thank those who put their lives on the line everyday!


[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: FreeDrifter ]
Posted by: Dave Jackson

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 11:18 AM

My wife was at a local Fred Meyer and there was a couple that Timber Man would lovingly refer to as "Towel Heads". People were walking right up to them and confronting them about what happened on the other side of the country.

How sad it is that the blindness brought on by hatred will add to the number of senseless, INNOCENT victims of this tragedy.

Timothy McVeigh was an angry white ex-military redneck who killed innocent people in Oklahoma City. That doesn't give me a right to harrass every Anglo-Hayseed I run into at the local Bi-Mart.
Posted by: Timber

Re: We Are at War !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 09/12/01 11:50 PM