Trolling bay mix lines during high muddy rivers

Posted by: 10 horse kicker

Trolling bay mix lines during high muddy rivers - 11/16/01 10:48 PM

When the rivers have been high and muddy like this week how about this strategy? In bays up and down the coasts such as Grays Harbor and Tillamook why wouldn't it be good to troll in the area of mix water on incoming clearer tide water and outgoing muddy river water? It seems to me that would be a good place to troll bait or lures for late salmon and even steelhead. You'd have an in between water color and fish may mill around in those places for awhile before entering the mud? Ive thought about it before but havent tried it out. How about anybody who has. Is this a worthwhile strategy? Appreciate any clues you are willing to give.
Posted by: Slime de Boat

Re: Trolling bay mix lines during high muddy rivers - 11/16/01 11:09 PM

Well I've done it and had only so so success. They don't stack there as much as you would think. You also have to go close to the lower bay and bar to get clear enough water and may the fish are going thru fast. It does seem worth more trys though. At least you can fish there when the rivers are choclate.