Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead?

Posted by: EggsGuy

Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 04:26 PM

Hey guys/gals I havent I need some help for a first time tadpolly puller as to which color tadpollys to use in green steelhead water for natives.

Posted by: RipDatLip

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 04:47 PM

Why would you try to target natives?

Posted by: PhishPhreak

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 05:00 PM

Why not? Maybe he's planning ahead for after the brats are gone...
Posted by: EggsGuy

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 05:05 PM

Rip,I am planning ahead and yes I have been getting some natives about 50/50 in the river that I am fishing.Just curious if anyone will give sopme good info on which colors to use and when.

Posted by: $$B-MONEY$$

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 06:07 PM

Pink tads have probably caught more steelies then any other color. If your in Oregon the pirates are well known producers! And chrome with black bill will allmost always produce under ideal conditions. Remeber though, the right color won't catch a thing if it doesn't run straight and steelhead aren't present.
Posted by: Dr Pepper

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 06:59 PM


Because the natives are big!

~ Dr Pepper
Posted by: fishen fool

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 07:04 PM

Do you really believe that natives bite different colors than hatchery fish??
Posted by: RipDatLip

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 07:36 PM

I was just wondering. I personally wouldn't think that plug color would make that much of a differenced between a hatchery and a wild fish. I guess just match colors with water color.

Posted by: RichH

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 08:16 PM

I like metallic red and metallic green for super clear water, copper and chrome are good also. I've found metallic pink works well in slightly colored and beyond.
Posted by: chrome/22

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/06/02 10:12 PM

Eggs, if a guy knows how to run plugs, I'd say natives are more likley to hit them than hatchery fish. They are just more aggressive, also they work slowly up the river not just a mad dash to the hatchery on high water. My picks on colors are #1 pink metallic for dialed-in green water, #2 black with the small silver specks for low & gin-clear and lastly #3 white with the black bill on anything over green. My .02
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/07/02 07:55 AM

That old cliche' about the presentation being more important than the color has merrit; given the color is at least in the right ballpark. [Duh RT, we know that!] Aaahhck, there's that voice again. ...

Like they said, tune them to dive straight. I also suggest taking the 2 stock hooks off and using 2 split rings to attach a size 1 Owner 'Stinger Treble' on the back. The extra ring will get this great hook back a little more to get a better hookup. Put a small amount of baitscent oil on the top and hook; not the bottom or sides which can dampen the flash that the fish most often see. Some thin but strong mono such as 10 lb. Izorline Platinum helps to get the plug down quicker and deeper per amount out. Make it wiggle real nice in the holding water. smile >

For use in medium green water, I like a lot of colors. If I had to choose one it would be the metalic pink body with the black head - a stock pattern that seems to be tough to find sometimes. On the underside back by the tail I would put a small arrow shaped piece of flame red lure tape to add a little more attracting/irritating red flash; and one lure tape fisheye under one side of the black bill. [hey, rt, do ya put eyes and arrows on all your crap?] Huh? No. A lot of them though. Not on my eggs. >

For clear water I like either the chrome or copper with the red herring bone pattern. Or custom painted half metalic green with the other side chrome. >

I agree with C/22 that the black and white cop car is good for colored water. I suggest using the Claddertad with the clicking bb's inside. And of course "eyes and arrows". Then I call it the 'red ass cop car with bad guys in the back'. ... The flame red with black stripes is good too. Try a bright chartreuse arrow tail on that one for the colored water. ... Better yet, when the river is up and colored use a Wiggle Wart.

EDIT: Oh man, for nates? De-barb the hooks with the pliers. Try to carefully reverse the hook out of the nate while controlling the fish with a tail wrist hold in the water next to the boat. I was supprised to see a study found that barbless trebles were not more harmful to C&R'd fish than a barbless single siwash, because they often aren't taken as deep. Best to go barbless when a lot of nates are in.


[ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: RT ]
Posted by: TH

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/07/02 10:11 AM

#1 pink w/ black head...
#2 gold, green back and red head (pirate)
#3 copper w/ black head

I really only fish three... plugs.. I can go all year and only pull these plugs they seem to work in a wide range of water conditions and they get bit.


Posted by: Kevin

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/07/02 01:00 PM

pink with a black head laugh laugh aka DR. Death

Tight lines

Posted by: RiverMan

Re: Tadpollys??? which colors for native steelhead? - 01/07/02 04:09 PM

For what it is worth, on the east side where I'm fishing have little or no luck whatsoever with the dr. death version, pink/black head. I keep trying it now and again because so many others do well with it. Here by far the best for me has been the cop car and the blue pirate. Have noticed that the cop car is exceptionally good late in the day with light fading. Good luck!