stupid ass sturgeon trip

Posted by: philpac33

stupid ass sturgeon trip - 02/04/02 12:57 AM

yesterday my buddy calls me up and asks if i want to go sturgeon fishing that night...ask the old lady if it's we put his boat in at friends landing..everyone in a boat has landed at least one and nobody from the bank has been skunked..sounds good right?? we motor up about ten minutes, anchor and fish for half hour, no bites and decide to move back toward the launch..forty pulls and the motor won't buddy starts rowing(we put a good dent in a case of busch) and fifteen minutes later i say"hey i don't remember seeing these houses on the way out" tide changed and he rowed us the opposite way we were supposed to be going. so we banked up at some random house(some good-hearted jehovahs gave us a ride) and that was the end of our trip...went back this morning to pick up the boat..gave the lady a vacuum packed smoked salmon pack, loaded up the boat, and cursed my buddy good..just thought i'd humor yall..anyone have a cheap gps for sale????