Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$

Posted by: Pmartin

Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/11/02 12:08 PM

Got a q to toss out for everyone.

I have been sitting on the fence trying to decide on what downriggers I want to buy or if I really even need them. A lot of my buds have been fishing around here for a good 30 years and can count on one hand how many times they have used DR's. Most of them say that moochin' is just as effective and don't waste your $$$. Then there are some that say that DR is the only way to go. They all have been very productve fisherman.

I am not lookin at spending a whole lot but just to get the middle of the road you are looking at a good $400 to $500, for all the needed hardware and accessories.

So, I thought I would toss it out here and get some opinions or general experiences you all have.. confused

Thanks smile
Posted by: baddawg

Re: Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/11/02 12:21 PM

mooching has its place as do downriggers. I use mine alot and sometimes its the only way you can get fish.
Posted by: Steeliegreg

Re: Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/11/02 01:42 PM

Agreed, every method has it's place. I love my DR when the need arises. I bought the Penn 600NW last year, I should buy the swivel bases too, but they have performed flawlessly, and have brought many, many fish to the boat. If on a budget, I would shop the classifieds on this site, or post a wanted ad, there is always a bargain, as I paid retail for mine $550 or so, I wish I would have shopped around. Good luck!
Posted by: StorminN

Re: Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/12/02 01:12 AM

Put it this way... how many commercial fishermen do you know that mootch? Those guys need to make a living, and short of just plain netting fish, what do they do?... they troll for them.

Trolling with downriggers is more effective than mootching because downriggers allow you to cover more water, and present your lures at exact depths. When you mark fish on your depthfinder, you can precisely target them with your downrigger depths. When you cover more water, you present your lures to more fish... it's that simple.

Don't be mstaken, though... it's an entirely different method of fishing. You won't be "setting the hook" like you do with mootching... and there are some very small pockets and places that mootching is the proven method, but overall, trolling catches many more fish.

I'd highly recommend Scotty downriggers. If you look at all the specs and talk to fishermen that use them year after year, you'll figure out that the Scottys have faster retrieve speeds, can lift heavier cannon balls, and use less power than all the other brands.

I just heard that Scotty is doing some sort of deal this year where they are giving away a free swivel base when you buy a new downrigger. This is great, because you really will want a swivel base if you don't get one when you buy your downrigger.

Posted by: spawnout

Re: Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/13/02 01:23 AM

While I only use my DRs for blackmouth in the saltchuck, and while I catch a lot more salmon in the spring on lead and fall on divers, I also use them for kokanee and lake trout, and sockeye when they will let us at 'em. They are really the only way to fish effectively for these last 3, and are by far the most effective way to catch blackmouth also.

I like Penns, real tough, smooth drag. I just use the hand-crank models. I also row at times when I troll with them and the presentation has to be slow, like for kokes and sockeye, so I don't mind a little exercise, but I will say that when I use my buddy's electrics it is real convenient to just hit the button when you have a fish on. I got mine on eBay for less than half the cost of new ones, and I see electrics there all the time, so I'd look there. I also mounted mine at a 45 degree angle up, so I don't have to hang over the side to retreive the booger ball, and this eliminates the need for swivel bases.
Posted by: ROCKFISH

Re: Is it REALLY worth the $$$$$ - 02/13/02 01:32 AM

can't beat downriggers in the summer and fall