Ready to get po'ed?

Posted by: Anonymous

Ready to get po'ed? - 04/26/02 01:36 PM

I borrowed these posts from the ifish board.
Indian nets go in today and they are offering the scourings from the river for sale; Chinook, coho, steelhead, shad and walleye. The only thing they don't get to sell is the sturgeon they kill. I can't beleive that they continue to let them scour the river for whatever swims and then sell it for pennies

To add insult to injury, Bill Monroe continues his pathetic work as the Outdoor Editor for The Oregonian with a heading within an article today entitled "Buy Fresh". What the hell? Is he trying to promote this and help the tribes out? Why can't he promote things like the meeting being held on the coast or the troubles with the budget? It's amazing the guy can even walk, not having a spine.....
Bill Monroe has always been sympathetic to the commercial netters. He touted the tangle tooth nets that were supposed to allow the safe release
of wild salmon to the river. What he didn't write about was how the 5" mesh was perfect for netting steelhead and how unscrupulous commercial netters
were not following mandated procedure for reviving these wild steelhead before returning them to the river.Pro guide Bob Toman observed the commercial netters just chucking the fish back into the river with no revival! What do you suppose the survival rate of those steelhead was?
The hypocrisy in all of this is maddening! How many extensions did the commercials get until they reach their quota? We sportsfishers did'nt even get half a chance and now I'll bet there will be a bloodbath above Bonneville.
Hey Bill Monroe all of us sports anglers would like to thank you for the support you've given us.....NOT

Posted by: jr5142

Re: Ready to get po'ed? - 04/26/02 06:50 PM

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad
hay-bails wrapped in barbed wire nuf' said
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Ready to get po'ed? - 04/26/02 07:03 PM

What is always very galling about all this is the fact that the commercial netters always get several extensions when their catches are below expectations, and the Indian netters always get to keep netting as long as they want with 'kill everything' mono gillnets. Now us sportfishers that were promised a Columbia springer season thru May are getting cut off way early (closes Sunday night) from an obvious late but increasing run, DESPITE the fact we fish much more selectively by releasing all native fish to a better than 95% survival rate!!! And this closure is due to the run size prediction being reduced from 330,000 to 'only' a quarter of a million springers - 250,000! Geeez, you don't suppose any unethical balls squeezing has gone on recently by the Columbia Inter-tribal Fish Commission?!? rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes And these are fish that we paid for! mad Aaaaaaaawwwwwwwcccckkkkkkk.