tuf line bobber fishing

Posted by: blueslide_dup1

tuf line bobber fishing - 09/20/02 07:18 AM

I have been thinking about switching my garcia 6501 to tuf line for fishing tidewater exclusively. The drawbacks as I see it are a sharp learning curve in casting, trouble pulling any "profesional overuns" out of the reel, and to always hold the line tight as I am reeling in the bait. What about the float pulling up to the stopper on the braided line vs mono?
The postives are that the line floats and good hookset.
I have a buzz ramsey xhvy 15-50 rod that is soft in the tip/heavy in the but.
If you suggest tuff over mono, what size(80lb?) and color(green, white). Otherwise how do you handle a possible 35-40 lb fish on mono? What lb main and leader?
Thanks! aka sliderite
Posted by: Doug Kelly

Re: tuf line bobber fishing - 09/20/02 11:17 AM

hi blueslide, won;t have a problem, i fish with a guide in oregon that fishes the alsea tidewater and thats all he uses is the tuff line, bobber fishes, back bounceses, diver, i run it on my 6500 on a keni special and have no problem casting, bobber stops hold in place, this is just what i;ve experanced, hope this helps ,doug
Posted by: Fishbait

Re: tuf line bobber fishing - 09/22/02 10:54 AM

Been using 80 tuff 40 leader bobber fishing for many years. You will not have any problems. I will never use mono mainline for bobberfishing again. Us 80, as the 50/35 will dig into the spool on the really big fish. I like the green, but the white is fine.