egg cure

Posted by: Sullie

egg cure - 10/03/02 03:29 PM

what is the best cure to use for eggs? and where can i get some?
Posted by: egg goober

Re: egg cure - 10/03/02 03:48 PM

you'll find a excellent cure on this website in the fishing tips section. look under archived tips. it's a great cure.
Posted by: Fishstik

Re: egg cure - 10/03/02 04:36 PM

The cure on this web site is a good egg cure, ive been using it for a few years now,,, few tips, try diiferent stuff with it, like , pickling salt and sodium sulfite. drying time is the key with this cure,, pay attntion to how warm it is in the garage or how cool it is,, try not to put a fan on them to speed things up. its been 3 to 20 hours drying time for me depending on the weather (humidity and all) when there dry to the touch and you have think you have went to far drying them dont panic and put them in a one gallon ziploc and put em in the fridge for a few days , they plump right back up,, sometimes i add a moist napkin to the bag,, good luck !!!!
Posted by: Jeffhead

Re: egg cure - 10/03/02 05:17 PM

In the upper right hand corner is a search button. Punch it then use the words egg cure or cure and you will find a ton of curing methods, all of which are pretty good. I don't think that there is one that is best, different cures for different things.
Good luck and tight lines, Jeff laugh laugh