Any reports on the coast


Any reports on the coast - 10/12/02 12:54 AM

Thinking about fishing the coast this weekend. I know the rivers are low. So probally the best spots to fish are down low. Is there any tidal fishing to toss spinners or throw eggs. I know how to get to the lower Hoh. Any spot on the lower quilleyute. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. Big fish this weekend to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Any reports on the coast - 10/12/02 01:15 AM

You have the right idea but everyone in the state has already beat you to it. Its a snagfest right now with the low water.

Re: Any reports on the coast - 10/12/02 01:23 AM

Thanks Rich. I be over there. If you accidently snag a fish let it go and that's o.k. Sometimes you can't help like on the samish river. But keeping snagged fish or setting the hook ten times per cast ain't cool either. When we were kids we used to snag fish at the ballard locks but that was when we were ten years old. But then again some people never grow up. Little fish suck!
Posted by: Sid Fishious

Re: Any reports on the coast - 10/13/02 12:12 PM

DA, Went over to the Quilayute on Fri. to fish for the fresh ones and just about started crying when I saw the level of the river! We need rain badly, or need to rename our rivers -streams. At any rate I drove back to the Chehalis and fished the outgoing tide for about three and half hours, picking up two nice silvers! One caught on eggs below a float, the other with a blue aglia. I feel very fortunate as I didn't see any other fish landed, though one guy did lose a nice king on his motor which he left in the down position.oops!