Hey Akkings

Posted by: Sky-Guy

Hey Akkings - 10/14/02 01:54 AM

Hey There Akkings,

Sorry I havent gotten back to you yet about the head unit replacement, just remebered I owed you that. The new Garmin 240 Head unit you provided me with works like a dream, thanks again for the replacement. The first must have been a defective one.

One question. With the fish Symbols off, how do you set the unit so it will show a fish as a small arc? Nothing about it in the manual.
All I see are dots and more dots if a fish or multiple fish signs are showing.

Also, A plug for Boaters world in Everett, Bring them your business, they have whatever you may need and will treat you right.

Are those boat cover going on sale anytime soon?
laugh laugh
Posted by: AkKings

Re: Hey Akkings - 10/14/02 02:13 AM

Sky-Guy, glad that worked out for you, as for the boomerrangs (fish) not showing more then just small dots, I would guess that either your gain might not be set high enough or possibly, there weren't any fish swimming under your boat. Usually its just a matter of fine tuning the unit and learning the features.
Oh yeah, 1 other possibility, always have your depth range set at the next deeper setting then the water your in, for example, if your in 100 ft. of water, you should be on the 120 ft. scale, this will give you a larger fish image then if your on say a 300 ft scale.
As for the boat covers, sorry, I don't fore-see any sales on them anytime soon.
Thanks for letting me know how that new head unit worked out, let me know if you have any other ?'s.
