Nikon D40

Posted by: Bantam

Nikon D40 - 05/06/10 01:24 AM

So i got a killer deal on this camera today from a friend....$200
its practically new, it needs a lens cap, and the charger didn't work, so i bought a new one today on ebay...
who's got one? how you like it? its my first digital SLR
Posted by: goforchrome

Re: Nikon D40 - 05/10/10 07:16 PM

Great cam for me and the wife
We are not experienced SLR users but appreciate the lack of shutter delay and the flexibility of framing subjects using depth and the two lenses we got fit our needs.
Great camera.
We have no use for the more expensive features on the higher $ models.
maybe video on the latest, but don't miss it yet.
Posted by: Steelheadman

Re: Nikon D40 - 05/10/10 10:39 PM

I got the D50 four years ago. I like that it can take pics fast if you have it in the action mode. I want to get a pic of a summerun jumping high out of the water. Haven't been successful yet but the season is starting soon.

My newest camera is an Olympus Stylus. Lightweight and waterproof but slow.