Fake news

Posted by: gooybob

Fake news - 03/17/17 01:25 PM

Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 02:21 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 02:26 PM

How are your bed sores doing Nate?
Posted by: 5 * General Evo

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 02:30 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 02:40 PM

What kind of idiot sits around his Mom's house all day, posting on a fishing board, instead of going fishing? I mean seriously, if I didn't work I'd be on the river every single day.
Posted by: gooybob

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: ReefSkunk
What kind of idiot sits around his Mom's house all day, posting on a fishing board, instead of going fishing? I mean seriously, if I didn't work I'd be on the river every single day.

I hope you're not talking about me. I've worked every day of my life since I finished college and I'm 65. I'm still working making more than 99% of the people on this site. I have NEVER collected unemployment because I was smart enough to have career that would never put me in that position. I raised two kids as a single father and put them both through college. I paid every fvking dime of it and if you know anything about the cost of a 4 year university you're wondering if YOU could do that. They are out in the world with unbelievable jobs and income and they thank me every day and have given me two grandchildren.That's what kills me about a lot of the fvkheads on this site. No brains, no common sense and you're probably right NO JOBS. I've traveled more places that most of you put together and probably caught more fish yet I read the pure ignorance of some here and wonder how they get their pants on in the morning. If you and everyone else looks at that video it's right there in front of you. Just a fraction of the lies he tells and some of these dumb asses just act like it didn't happen or call it fake. It reminds me of the thugs on an episode of Cops. The cops pull up and literally watch the crime being committed and it's being filmed by the dash cam but when they pop one of the G's he says, "I didn't do it I swear to God." The cop says, "but we saw you and it's on film" and the thug says, " I did not do it I swear to God"! It's time for a reality check for a lot of people and unfortunately by the time they accept the reality that our president is no better or any more sane than the president of North Korea it will be too late for them and a whole lot of the rest of us who believe that decency and honesty is far better than greed and deception. The guy is as slimy and creepy as is possible. If you were not talking about me, my apologies and thanks for the platform. BTW everyone better check their micro-waves, refrigerators, washing machines, toasters, alarm clocks, watches, underwear, shoes, cars, fountain pens, tie clips, dog collars, battery chargers, etc. because as we all know Obama is wire tapping them.
Posted by: Sol Duc

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 07:28 PM

Nobody cares goo on chin. wink
Posted by: Sol Duc

Re: Fake news - 03/17/17 07:57 PM

Ironic how you talk about how bad people here act, when you are one of the biggest and rudest a$$hole's here. If you're still working at 65 you couldn't be that smart. At 60 we'll be snow birds enjoying retirement with money to burn. Now get off your high Horse mister.