2 day DB trip?

Posted by: dreamin of fishin

2 day DB trip? - 07/02/03 05:00 PM

Thinking of doing a 2 day drift and camp somewhere in the middle this weekend. Does anyone know of a good float and or camping spot for this on the Sky/Sno? Wanna stick to easier water and get some good fishing in as well.

Posted by: GutZ

Re: 2 day DB trip? - 07/03/03 05:04 PM

Two Bit Hole on the Sky.
Try the search. I don't know if it's open.
Lots of Bar space on the Sky. I expect most is private, but ...

There isn't two days worth of Water on the Snoqualmie. You might get a Campsite there in Fall City.
Posted by: dreamin of fishin

Re: 2 day DB trip? - 07/03/03 06:09 PM

thanks Gutz!
did a search and didn't come up with much...?
was actually talking about the snohomish. startin at sultan and takin out in downtown snohomish, and camping on a bar somewhere along the way. Just wasn't sure if anyone had done this before and had decent spot in mind...
Posted by: Loomis

Re: 2 day DB trip? - 07/03/03 10:58 PM

DOF, Fish the sky the first day and stop at the confluence on the right there is a big beach camp there and set up your plunking gear,alot of guys beach there boats here and some do pretty well.Fish down river on the beach near the trees,If that is to rocky for you just move down river until you see the bridge try again on the right this is all sand but not much for fishing.If you still dont like it move about amile and a half down to what is called thomas eddy there is a ton of sandy beach on the left if you go here you will want to spend alot of time fishing the second day maybe throw in the sturgeon rods and fish buy the outlet once you get into the slow water or down by the pilchuck.From the eddy its maybe two miles of river if it was me I would stop at the first stop and that would make a decent two days.