NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh...

Posted by: h2o

NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 03:42 PM

"There's nothing good about drug use," he was saying. "We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

...and one from today...


drudge report

Hypocrisy is my pet peeve...and he wants my prayers?? Oh, I'm praying for him all right...
Posted by: Dave D

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 04:05 PM

Posted by: Slab Quest

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 04:21 PM

Oh, NO.......he's back

The epitome of hypocrisy is YOU, H20, posting this crap on a FISHING BB.

Why, why, why do you do it?
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 04:35 PM

And why, why, why do you read it and then whine about it?
Posted by: Easy Limits

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 04:44 PM

Usually, the people who speak the loudest have the most to hide.
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 07:37 PM

somehow I knew who would be the first to make a big deal out of this I have said before..predictable as rain...
Posted by: h2o

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 07:52 PM

You look the other direction one more time so you don't have to FACE THE BOLDFACED TRUTH...Rush has and always will be wrong, full of hate and vitriol when in front of a microphone and then expecting our compassion in his unfortunate time of need.


I laugh....a manly laugh, for manly men such as we (name the moveie, win a prize), at all those that try to minimize this and backpedal away from the blatancy of its truth....Hahaha, hahaha, ha, ha, ha....
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 11:10 PM


addiction to drugs of any kind is no matter who the addict is.

juvenile opportunistic rantings of a true moron.

These NFR posts do really bring out the worst in people.
Posted by: Plunker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 11:13 PM

Originally posted by stlhdh2o:
"Rush has and always will be wrong, full of hate and vitriol..."
Sometimes the view from within a house of glass is obscured by reflections and mirrored illusions.
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 11:26 PM

H2O..I just noticed that your stupid post was made at 4:52pm which is about a half an hour after 4:20.....Do you have the nerve that Rush has to check yourself in to a clinic? And make it public? I doubt it.
Posted by: Mike C

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 11:31 PM

Pity the man that gloats at anothers misfortune - whether self-induced, deserving or not. Compassion seems to be a lost art form for some people.
Posted by: papaslap

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/10/03 11:37 PM

Nobody elected Rush to a public office.

He didn't lie under oath.

He is just a very successful radio man that has opened the eyes of millions of people.

Hopefully his addiction and treatment will continue to open our eyes to a growing medical problem.

Was the house keeper busted for distributing?

and what is your addiction? maybe that could be a new topic? what is your addiction,...I like vodka and saltwater frown
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 11:35 AM

I am addicted to fishing, I ask for your prayers. Right after this, I'm going to spend 30 days in Hoodsport undergoing intense fishing aversion therapy. Please pray for me.

I must weigh in on this one. I find Rush to be entertaining but very rarely is he enlightening. I do not wish what he is about to go through on anyone. Near as I can tell, the withdrawl is as bad (if not worse) than heroin. Anxiety, sleeplessness, excrutiating bone pain. Does not sound like fun. I always do wonder however, whether it's someone like Clinton or Rush, how come they don't ask for our prayers and understanding until they get caught. How long would Rush have continued abusing painkillers if he had not been outed?

One final thought - Hypocrisy is not the exclusive property of the right. Hypocrisy is a very human trait that crosses all political borders. However, it is an interesting human trait to deride someone who is hypocritical. See Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Clinton, Robert Byrd..... It's always fun to declare that the Emperor has no clothes.
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 11:41 AM

Eddie...addiction most of the time makes the addict a everybody but especially him or herself. You also know that when you are on top someone is always trying to knock you off your pedastal..comes with the territory. It takes more guts to stay on top and take the heat than it does to cave in just for the peace and quiet.
Posted by: fishdontbiteforme

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 12:17 PM

You have to be a frim believer in Karma, what goes around comes around, no matter who you are. I have never liked rush myself, i just hope the penalties are the same for him that they would be for any average citizen like myself. I just get tired of rich popular people evading the law because of money and politics. The judicial system needs to become non-biased on race, financial status, political status, and popularity.
Posted by: papaslap

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 05:28 PM

penalties for WHAT you dumbarse?
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 05:56 PM


There is an investigation into HOW Rush obtained these drugs. If he obtained them through illegal means, then there will be a penalty.

So what were you saying?
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 05:58 PM

Papaslap, you may want to think before hitting the reply button. If (note that I have said if)Limbaugh has been getting the pills without a perscription, it is a felony just as bad (in the eyes of the law) as heroin or crack cocaine.
Posted by: papaslap

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 07:16 PM

what I am saying is that the drug dealer is normally the one that should be prosecuted not the user. It is ill eagle (old indian chief) to sell drugs . If he used illegal drugs, his sources are the ones that are looking at charges, he is looking at rehab.

I don't believe that he has been charged with anything yet by any of the authorities. The only ones charging him are those who spew hatred towards him and want him to go away.

He has 20,000,000 loyal fans that I am sure are wishing him well.

I now hit the reply button, proud that I have never snagged a fish cool
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 07:30 PM

Papaslap, I understand your logic and I agree with you - the user should not be top priority for the authorities. The law however, takes a different view.

I hit the reply button - proud that I have never flossed. (Is that why my teeth are falling out?) laugh
Posted by: starcraft tom

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 08:52 PM

first off i would like to say Plunker that was good.

Now to rush, The pain medication may have been what cost him his hearing. I hate to see him in this spot but he is doing the right thing by going in to rehab and not trying to hid it by going on "vacation" the way most in hollywood does.

Also rush said that he would take what ever punsiment comes his way. I see no Hypocrisy on his part. Everything he said about drugs is true and by going public he is putting himself in the light of day not hiddin in a rehab in mexico. ( I hear there is good fishing in mexico). look at what he said about drugs and what may happen to his life becouse of them.

Many people I know have be addicted and lost everything. Some that stop and say "hey i have a problem" go on to be productive normal people like everyone else. I have never done drugs and do not allow drugs around me. but we all know a freind or family member who has liked his pain medication a little two much.

What happened to rush is not like a addict that has nothing wrong with them but sticks heron in their veins or rolles a joint or downs a fifth of gin (my grandfathers favorite ). His doctor should have made sure this did not happen and if he thought rush was going down that road he should have done more to help him sooner.

oh by the way rush was never and is not now (last i heard ) beening investgated for any thing. His name came up in a investgation. I do not know but would be willing to quess that it was by some one tring to make a deal with the cops.
Posted by: stlhead

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 10:40 PM

I watched Rush only one time years ago...he held up a picture of a young Chelsea Clinton and made jokes about how ugly she is.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/11/03 10:51 PM

Stlhead has it right. Spout hate - reap pain. Coundn't hapen to a better target. More and more I beleive in what comes aroung goes around. He earned this.
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 11:26 AM

Grandpa: That was vile, mean spirited and disgusting. You should be ashamed!!!

How would you feel if some low life made such disgusting comments about your grandchildren?

Moderator. I suspect you will want to pull Grandpa's post, but please leave it for awhile so everyone can see what he is all about. I have absolutly no respect for someone who would say such at completely filthy thing about anyone. Are you Rush supporters proud of grandpa? You can have him.
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 11:35 AM

Grandpa, playing for a reaction is one thing, I think you crossed the line. confused
Posted by: Pmartin

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 11:59 AM


He earned being addicted? He earned loosing his hearing?? Because of what he spouts makes money? Don't see how that earned him anything? Sounds like you are doing the same, wishing hurt and pain on someone because of their opinion?

Tossin stones? Guess you are dictating what should be moderated now? So, if someone is a Rush Supporter that means they agree with what Grandpa said?? You make me laugh… Either for or against right? Must be a heard mentality.. rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes

BTW. Chelsea sure is homely but does have a set of DSL's, isn't she 24yo now??

Side note…I have listen to Rush maybe twice in my life, both times I had a headache within 5 min. His voice was very annoying. Never really thought one way or another about him cause I never listened long enough to form an opinion. I wish him well on his drug treatment. Having seen an in-law go/going through the same addiction due to many back and neck surgeries (that nearly cost her her life) I know that he has a tough road ahead. That sure as he11 doesn't make me a supporter or a hater.

Could you imagine a world without the Bush's or Limbaugh's? What would all you driberals have to whine about then??
Posted by: Skywalker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 11:59 AM

grandpa,imho that's the the most hateful thing you've ever posted, and that's saying quite a bit.

It's one thing to continually trash a political target, it's another entirely to gut his kids.

Tell me, do you plan on teaching this kind of hate to your grandkids?

Take a look at Jerry's tagline and answer it honestly.
Posted by: cohofshr

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 12:11 PM

I thought this was a fishing forum.............
Posted by: Doug P

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 12:45 PM

Grandpa, as a man with daughters I find it hard to believe you would post something like that! If this was another attempt at humor, you best stay with your politics, thats always good for a laugh...........
Posted by: stlhead

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 12:56 PM

It is a fishing forum....see all the trolling going on?
Didn't you witness Grandpa bite on that barbed treble hook?
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 01:00 PM

P Martin:

What I was saying is that he would have had absolutely no compassion for any liberal who got addicted on pain killers. Can you imagine what he would be saying if Ted Kennedy were found to be addicted? He has constantly made divisive, hurtful comments - such as those about Chelsea bieng homely. (That's only one example of many.)

If you have only listened occassionally, perhaps you don't know what a hate monger he has been.

He is the one who said all drug addicts should be jailed. Now he asks for the compassion he was never willing to give others.

I hope this will make him a better man and may teach him some compassion. But its constant hateful messages such as his that reinforce the thinking of guys like Grandpa.

Yes, I think he deserves what he got. He willingly broke the law, took drugs that were known to cause hearing damage and at the same time preaches about the evils of drug abuse. I know of no better definition of hypocrite.

I will say that I admire his willingless to admit his problem. However, it might have been more beleivable had he done it before he was outed.
Posted by: Pmartin

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 01:19 PM


You are correct that I did not know about his rantings on drugs. I apologize for that. It just seems that people are complaining about his being vicious and yet they are doing the exact same thing.. I.E. couldn't happen to a better person.

I could pretty much see this going either way though. Doesn't seem to matter which party has done what. Either would and do pounce on any dirt that they can come up with on the other side.

Time to watch some NFL... beer
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 02:19 PM

So I deleted my post....Over the line...Funny though how an assault on an icon brings out the cries from the glass house gang.
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 02:42 PM

P Martin: You are right. Every one is too eager to attack the other side. And we all can be hypo rites. It seems to be a part of the human condition. Let's watch football. Or better yet, do tackle maintenance.

Grandpa: You still don't get it, do you? It's not that you attacked what you perceive to be an icon. It's that you showed no class, were simply tactless, mean spirted and amazingly insensitive. I would have been equally as offended if you had said the same about Rush, Bush or any of your icons. Perhaps its just a poor idea to accuse your enemies of incest?

If I were a member of PSA I would ask you to stop listing your affiliation at the end of your posts. Surely posts such as the one you deleted are an embarrassment to them.
Posted by: Hoghunter

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 03:09 PM

I don't normally respond to NFR posts but this one hits on my turf. I run a rehab program and have done so for 26 years. Based on what I've read about the Rush incident my deduction would be that this will most likely not be the end of the line for him using pain medication unless he has the hammer of the law hanging over his head. I have seen too many addicts come and go. 99% of the time they don't seek recovery until they have no where else to go and are knocking on death's door. Another problem is that the more money and more powerful they are the harder it is for them to stop. I'm sure the only reason he's heading for rehab now is because he knows the broke the law either purchasing pain killers on the street or illegally over the counter in a pharmacy. Either way he's trying to gain sympathy from the cops. That's obvious by the fact that his lawyer has already met with detectives on Friday. Oxycontin is one of the worst to get addicted to and based on the length and severity of his use, I can tell you that he has a long hard road ahead of him and the odds of staying clean aren't in his favor. Doesn't make any difference what your political affiliation is when it comes to drugs and alcohol addiction it's all the same. Your life eventually becomes hell and so does the lives of those who love you.
Posted by: sinker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 03:29 PM

I agree that he'll be back in rehab again.
Most addicts can only throw that monkey off they're back when they've truly hit bottom. Where his bottom at remains to be seen. Some people it's losing their wife and kids and some people it's death.
I never have cared for the guy. I used to listen to him years and years ago. I finally got tired of him going on and on about how he was right again. All he could ever talk about is how he was right about something.
When this first broke out in the media I was hoping this would be the end of the hypocrite. But after thinking about it all of his sheep followers are to dumb and blind to quit listening to him. They'll just continue to listen to the hypocrite.
Just for the sake of entertainment I like Leykis alot more.
Posted by: Doug P

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 03:37 PM

Good job Grandpa, too bad your true character had to come out. Please stay away from the kids in your efforts to educate them on fishing.
Posted by: Skywalker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 04:57 PM

"So I deleted my post....Over the line...Funny though how an assault on an icon brings out the cries from the glass house gang."

Can't you just leave it at "over the line", instead of implying people are upset because they view Clinton as an "icon"?

I guess it figures, though. The Scandinavian can't avoid a Red Herring to save his soul. rolleyes
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 05:07 PM

Skywalker, I thought he was referring to Limbaugh as the icon. I guess it could go both ways.
Posted by: 4Salt

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 07:15 PM

I laugh....a manly laugh, for manly men such as we (name the moveie, win a prize)
Would it be "Robin Hood... Men in Tights" perhaps?

...Ok, what did I win! laugh laugh
Posted by: Dave D

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 07:16 PM

"Could you imagine a world without the Bush's or Limbaugh's? "

Yes and life looks good :p
Posted by: Dave D

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 07:20 PM

"Could you imagine a world without the Bush's or Limbaugh's? "

Yes and life looks good :p
Posted by: h2o

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/12/03 08:52 PM

Do I hear the conservatives saying we should be compassionate and turn the other cheek?


In a year he could be a convicted felon. We'll talk about your opinion of the man then....


I knew darn well you would defend Rush with all of the hate and vitriol he spews forth from his radio throne.


Did you have to quote my spelling error?


My memory tells me it was from the movie 'Makin the Grade' with Judd Nelson and Dice Clay...I could be wrong.

Email me if yer headed to the Op and I'll put you in an empty seat, best I can do on a prize.
Posted by: Slab Quest

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 11:24 AM

Well, I have not, and will not, read the body of this thread (so pardon if this already came up). But I did read the initial post - so I will pose a question:

If a parent is a smoker (tobacco addict) should he avoid discouraging his kids from smoking for fear of being labeled a "hypocrite"?
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 11:27 AM

Aunty, doggone it, you and I are agreeing more and more. eek It seems like the dug in diehards of the right and left seem to be more interested in having their side declared correct on all issues. If there is a question whether that is true, go to attack mode and try to drag the other side down. I guess we should expect that when trash talking passes for casual conversation. It sure makes it tough to have honest, civil, and complete debates on issues of real importance.
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 11:31 AM

Slabquest, since your scenario applies to me directly, I will reply. The answer is no, the tobacco addict can discourage his or her kids from smoking. That is not hypocritical, it would only be hypocritical (and germane to this thread) if I said every smoker should be thrown in jail (except me of course).
Posted by: BillyBob

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 11:58 AM

I pulled the definition of Hypocrisy from an on-line dictionary;

1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness. 2. An act or instance of such falseness.

So if Mr. Limbaugh truly professes beliefs and virtues against drug abusers, then he is guilty of Hypocrisy. We all are in one way or another.

He got busted, he should take his lumps and get his act together.

What we need to address here is who on this board is worthy to cast the first stone. You won't see me throwing one any time soon. And if I do, I'll have to throw it straight up in the air so I can stand under it.
Posted by: Slab Quest

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 12:24 PM


I think it would be idiodic for a smoker/parent to NOT discourage his kids from smoking.

But, technically, it would also be hypocritical.

The legality of the act doesn't apply to the question.

I would think that most addicts (of any substance) are disgusted by their addition and would preach against the use of that substance by anyone.
Posted by: eddie

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 03:31 PM

Slabquest, I think you are right in this sense. I, as a tobacco addict, am saying to my kids, "Do As I Say, Not As I do". That is most likely hypocritical under the classic definition and the way most are using it here. Now where Rush is even in more hypocritical waters is that he obviously tried to hide his addiction while preaching abstinence and prison time for abusers. I'm not sure if there is more to say here. Obviously, this is a very fluid situation where there will be more revelations prior to conclusions.

Slabquest, thanks for making me think. I appreciate it - now, if you can just get a rope around Grandpa!!! laugh
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 03:36 PM

The truth is it's a sad thing when anyone gets addicted. I was eager to make fun of him because his views are so far from mine. And I wondered if he would have shown compassion for his enemies. Would he have expressed compassion, had this happened to Clinton or Kennedy? Not bloody likely. But we should try to be better than those we excoriate. Upon reflection, I do feel sorry for him. Maybe he did have talent on loan from God. But now he is in deep trouble. I hope he makes it through this and that it makes him a bit more tolerant of other’s shortcomings.
Posted by: Plunker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 03:47 PM

Surecatch - The way you went for grandpa2's throat makes me feel sorry for you.
Posted by: retriever

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 03:56 PM

Mike C., my applause and regards to you.
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 05:06 PM


I have no shame about going for grandpa's throat. Accusing someone of incest with their daughter is waaaay over the line by any civilized standard that i know off. Do you approve of that?
Posted by: grandpa2

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 06:00 PM

surecatch...As SURE as you are about yourself and your opinions,let me asSURE you that incest had nothing to do with what I said. I was trying to make a point about the role model your hero, Bill, must be to his daughter...I made a bad analogy for SURE but not anything like you thought for SURE you read.
Posted by: papaslap

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 06:00 PM

Jerry Springer visits Arkansas? smile
Posted by: Dave Vedder

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 06:20 PM

Grandpa: Please tell us all what you meant by your analogy? I and, from judging from their comments several others, thought you were discussing sexual acts. If your comments were so innocuous why did you say they were over the line and pull them? If you are so proud of what you said, do you have the nerve to post it again and see what sort of response they get again?
Posted by: h2o

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 06:23 PM

Allow me to clear up a misconception from my original post.

People that take a hard stance against drug addicts have alot to learn. Mr. Limbaugh is headed down that path and for that I am grateful. Not for whatever harm he may suffer through this but for the opportunity it presents to Americans to reexamine their stance on legal and illegal drugs, our own hypocrisy as a collective in regards to those drugs and perhaps soften stances, such as Rush's original and OBVIOUSLY erroneous position on the matter.

For example, cigarette smokers are drug addicts, no better or worse for having an addiction than heroin users. In the case of both drugs the dependency is physical and once gained, retained for life. In fact, heroin and nicotine affect the exact same serotonin receptors in the brain and are therefore equally insidious addictions to overcome, ironic that the proscribed treatment for each is more of the drug they are hooked on....

It is for that very reason, that ANYONE can become addicted to drugs EASILY and LEGALLY that people ought to consider redefining what is socially acceptable and what isn't. The Rush Limbaugh stance, the 'send them all up the river', is proven here to be moronic and wrongheaded. That was the point of the original post, not to gloat over his misfortune, I'll save that for his felony conviction.

Now, in response to Aunty...

Yes, I have herniated discs in my back and at a very young age, I've been dealing with chronic back pain for 15 years. Anyone that's been through it knows there are few things more painful one can endure...In a way, its probably a blessing that I am allergic to opiate derivative drugs, not even so much as codeine for me...

So, if you want to get into a pain measuring, who's been through more type of conversation I'm sure we'll push. Perhaps even as much as your husband I understand what its like to endure chronic pain. Top that off with passing my allergy on to my son and watching him go through rodding surgery (twice)...yeah, I'm familiar with high levels of pain.

A rich, white American admits he's an addict and his constituency lets out a collective 'Awww, the poor guy'...I doubt they have the same reaction as they pass by the heroin addicts in the international district or fish next to the crankster gangsters on the Kalama, but I am here to tell you that there is absolutely no difference in terms of their addiction, except that to use, a subset of them have to get their drugs illegally, while the alcoholic can get his fix at a STATE SPONSORED ENABLING FACILITY, otherwise known around these parts as a liquor store.

I don't feel sorry for Rush, he's hoed his own row and now he will reap what he has sown.

I do feel compassion for his pain and suffering, to whatever extent there has been. No one would jump onto the Rush bandwagon faster than I if the man would admit that he was wrong...

Pretty sure that's not going to happen....
Posted by: goforchrome

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 07:43 PM

Originally posted by eddie:
Slabquest, since your scenario applies to me directly, I will reply. The answer is no, the tobacco addict can discourage his or her kids from smoking. That is not hypocritical, it would only be hypocritical (and germane to this thread) if I said every smoker should be thrown in jail (except me of course).
Late to the party, again!
With regard to the quotes referenced above, Kudos to Slabquest and Eddie for intelligent and insightful questions.
With regard to Billybob (Love that avatar!) Those among us with a nationally syndicated radio show that pervert facts and perspective in an effort to increase listenership and ratings with a net result of increasing their personal wealth are the only ones NOT qualified to cast the first stone.
Rush has set himself up as the biggest target throughout his career.
Would the same people defend Jim Bakker on his infidelity after being such a religious zealot?
If an IRS agent was found cheating on their taxes, would the outcry be sympathy and understanding?
Rush has profited immensly using his HOLIER THAN THOU status and is the perfect example of why not to take the far right or far left too seriously.

Maintain some perspective.
Posted by: Doug P

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 08:50 PM

surecatch, I read the same analogy that you read, with the same response. Must be a Liberal spin that is getting us in trouble. Kind of Rush like..............
Posted by: Skywalker

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/13/03 08:56 PM

Originally posted by goforchrome:
...the perfect example of why not to take the far right or far left too seriously.

Maintain some perspective. [/QB]
Posted by: BillyBob

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/14/03 08:32 AM


The only left or right I take seriously is the left or right side of the river that the fish are stacked up in.

And I'll second that "AMEN" from Skywalker.
Posted by: ltlCLEO

Re: NFR - Two quotes from Limbaugh... - 10/14/03 09:11 AM

I used to listen to the fat man back when he was grass roots.I always felt that he was able to put my feelings into words in a way that I could never.

That said he is now just another comercialised icon that has little to do with the price of bread in my world so why do I care if he ruins his life with pain pills.