Lower Snohomish Steelies

Posted by: Tuna Man

Lower Snohomish Steelies - 12/22/03 12:00 PM

Has anyone fished the Snohomish from Langus Park to the Highway 2 bridge for steelhead from a boat? I've fished salmon there but I'm not sure how to fish steelhead. Water is mostly 20 - 35' deep and I'd heard that you really need 8-15' for steelhead. I mark fish about 14', but maybe they're late chums. Do steelhead move in the middle water column in that deep of water? Any tips, suggestions, help as to where and what would be appreciated.
Posted by: 3RiversBasser

Re: Lower Snohomish Steelies - 12/22/03 01:33 PM

The lower snohomish is a hard area to fish for steelhead. The river flows to slowly and the fish usually just shoot right up it in no time. Salmon on the other hand come in large numbers and they tend to come all around the same time. The steelhead run is more spread out and fish aren't as thick in the river. My advice would be to go higher up river, where there are more defined steelhead holding areas.
Posted by: Jaydee

Re: Lower Snohomish Steelies - 12/22/03 03:00 PM

Picked off an early winter fish in November 3-4 years ago at the crab bar. It had to be a fluke.
Never touched one below the confluence since, or before then.
Some times it is better to be lucky than anything I guess
Posted by: snit

Re: Lower Snohomish Steelies - 12/22/03 03:39 PM

We used to do VERY good below the 522 bridge for natives. ALot of those fish are very "short" run spawners. Almost every log jam and point above crab bar could be productive.