Vandalized Flag

Posted by: GutZ

Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 03:50 PM

Under the cover of darkness Tuesday night, the flag in Old Bellevue was once again vandalized. This time they have used Roofing Tar. At this point we are still trying to gather our forces together for the repair.

Last time the flag was vandalized the proprieter of the flag shop, Cutty Sark, took the lead. There has been a change of management. I spoke with him last night, and he is at a bit of a loss as to how to repair the damage. I am sure he can use any help you may be able to offer. Roger @ 888 453 1265

Has your Blind Hatred towards the President caused you now to attack the flag?

If you are responsible for this act or know who is please contact the Bellevue Police.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:00 PM

The flag should have a light on it at night (and I'm sure it does), so the simple addition of hard-to-spot video camera would do the trick.

Get a new flag up there asap...make an issue of it in the local papers (Journal American, etc.) and then just wait for the idiots to come back...toss them enough "bait" and they most likely won't be able to resist.

Suggested treatment: Coat them in the same tar, add a bunch of cheap feathers (lots of them) and then buy them a ticket (one-way) to Iraq..escort to airport with no time to clean up and lead them onto the plane wearing signs showing their mid-deads.

Iraq will welcome them with open arms, and then they can join the Taliban...followed quickly by our (then legally) punching holes in them.

Just catch the sumbuggers and I'll be happy to donate one of the airfares.

Posted by: Arklier

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:14 PM

Who said that people who hate the President (I think he's a moron and is running the country into the ground myself) were the ones that desicrated the flag? That's a total non-sequioter. Why couldn't it have been a bunch of teenagers out for publicity? Why couldn't it have been one of those ultra-right wing groups that hate everyone not like them and seem attracted to the PNW? What does that writing on the flag say, anyway? Can't read it in the pic.
Posted by: Jaydee

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Arklier:
What does that writing on the flag say, anyway? Can't read it in the pic.
I live just a little ways from there and it's sickening. I hate vandals. They probably don't realize that in some countries, their act would be punishable by severing body parts, and they wouldn't dream of trying it.
Posted by: Sky-Guy

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:30 PM

Do you think they used a ladder to do it? doesnt seem like they could havce reached down that far from the roof to paint that.

I still think it's the Drunken Mustard Seeders!
Posted by: Jaydee

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:37 PM

I'd bet it was spoiled filthy bored Bellevue HS kids. Maybe from one of the others, though mustard seed patrans wouldn't suprise me either.
Posted by: GutZ

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 04:51 PM

Mustard Seed Patrons are the ones who repaired the damage last time (myself included!) We will certainly have a part in repairing the damage.

If it was a patron of the MS we would certainly like to discuss his/her point of view with them. Please make yourself known.

I suspect that the perpatraitor was a Bush hater as this occured the night of the SOTU address. The message seems consistent with some of the drivel that is being put out.

At any rate, I will try and keep you posted as to when we will be cleaning and repainting. Hopefully some of you will lend a hand.
Posted by: 4Salt

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 05:07 PM

Is it an actual flag, or a painting of the flag on the side of the building?
Posted by: GutZ

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 05:16 PM

It is a painting on the side of the building located at around 103rd and Main. The vacant lot was where Masins Furniture Building was. It burned down spring of 2002. The Flag is quite visible all the way up to 108th.

In this view, taken from behind the Bellevue Barber Shop (Mustard Seed parking lot, coldest Beer in Bellevue!) you can see Main street on the right.

Sorry about the picture quality. I am using one of those $47 camera's safeway had at christmas time. (Logitech Autobrite)
Posted by: goharley

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 05:43 PM

Originally posted by GutZ:
I suspect that the perpatraitor was a Bush hater ...
More than likely an America hater. That flag represents all Americans, not just the sitting president and ruling party.

As disheartening as it is, the irony is that this action is what our great nation is founded on - other than the obvious laws against damaging someone else's property and vandalism.

So, Gutz, when you find the POS, use your freedom-of-speech right to convey in no uncertain terms that this type of behaviour is not appreciated.....then beat their ass for the vandalism.
Posted by: The Moderator

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/22/04 07:00 PM

Originally posted by goharley:
[QUOTE]So, Gutz, when you find the POS, use your freedom-of-speech right to convey in no uncertain terms that this type of behaviour is not appreciated.....then beat their ass for the vandalism.


Posted by: starcraft tom

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/23/04 04:29 AM

hey gutz i'll hold'em down you hit 'em then we switch. ok.
Posted by: Rob Allen

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/23/04 01:05 PM

That is just sick...
I am certainly not a flag waver, i think there are better ways to show patriotism however I have a lot of respect for the flag regardless of who is president. The flag is not a symbol of a president or of any one man it is a symbol of our great country that is still great.
I hope they catch the ******'s
Posted by: RK43

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/23/04 04:02 PM

Pour honey on them and strap them accross a fire ant mound. Let the csreaming begin!! eek
Posted by: Jaydee

Re: Vandalized Flag - 01/23/04 05:49 PM

Hey gutZ, since you were involved in helping to repair the vandalism last time, I might just have to go down to that local watering hole and buy you a beer.