No Money For Fish

Posted by: grandpa2

No Money For Fish - 01/24/04 07:41 AM

Right now there is a possibility that funding for the upcoming Sockeye fishery in Lake Washington could be overlooked as the legislature deals with some of Governor Locke's lame duck pet projects.

The City of Seattle is the champion in spending taxpayer's money on the wrong thing. Last week it was announced that we settled with the WTO protestors for $250,000....We paid the people who took to the streets and rioted because we viloated their civil rights...I guess we should have just stepped aside and let them destroy private property til their's hearts content.
The cost to the taxpayers for law enforcement and fire dept. personnel is probably many times that amount. BUT....we have to go begging for $120,000 to allow a sports fishing season on Lake Washington that would actually bring in many times that investment to the area businesses.

My favorite waste of money though is the approval after ten years of arguing of the space age outhouses that will cost taxpayers $600,000.00 a year just to maintain! They say these are needed because of the lack of public restrooms downtown. What they really mean is the bums and drunks need a place to take a crap and puke. The money spent on these could also provide a fishery on Lake Washington FOUR times over EVERY YEAR.

Go to the link below to read more about the toilets and notice where they will be located. I will be scoping these out to see how long it takes for them to get trashed and also whether they prevent the bums from using the streets for their toilets....I think not.