My Boss Is Still #2

Posted by: grandpa

My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 12:57 AM

web page

More billionaires than ever thanks to our booming economy but my boss is still only #2 behind Bill Gates, one of my customers.

Thanks George Bush for making this possible.
Posted by: Dave D

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 09:29 AM

and Grandpa starts the morning trying to get a bite ;\)
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 09:41 AM

looks like I got a nibble
Posted by: 4Salt

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 01:30 PM

I didn't know you worked for 'ol Warren Gramps... I always thought you were a self-made man! ;\)

Hey... could ya put in a good word for me? \:D \:D
Posted by: Rory Bellows

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 01:43 PM


When you said your boss was a #2--I thought this thread was going the Johnny Paycheck route. \:D

How is that Bershire Hathaway stock doing?

I've always wanted to buy some.....when I win the lottery. \:D
Posted by: goharley

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/24/04 02:08 PM

Originally posted by grandpa:
More billionaires than ever thanks to our booming economy ... Thanks George Bush for making this possible.
Yeah, thanks Georgie. :rolleyes:

Ranks of Poor, Uninsured Grow for Third Straight Year
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 12:02 PM

harley....doggone it know us rich Republicans could care less about the poor. They are free to get off their butts and work like we do. Not only that but the tax cuts that help us rich people get richer also help those unfortunate folks at the bottom by limiting their tax to a mere 10% or in thousands of cases to 0%....Us rich folks get screwed and have to pay 30%...that's three times what those fortunate poor folks get. And you want to give them free health care? What else...Oh yeah ...Jimmy Carter will build them a free food ....What else do you want them to get...oh yes I forgot college!!! Us rich folks get to pay 100% of those costs.

In the animal kingdom the weak get eaten.

Thank God for those billionaires who provide the funding for all your hand outs...

And 4Salt....I am a self made man but Mr Buffet owns my company. I'm sure if he knew I worked for one of his companies he would fire me for my politics. He is one of those liberal billionaires.

Berkshire Hatheway stock is too rich for me but has been a super investment.

The tax cuts are secure
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 12:43 PM

More billionaires.........and more poor people.


Way to take from the poor to pay the rich, GW.

I'm sure your mother is very proud. Yours too, grandpa.
Posted by: papaslap

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 12:57 PM

How can the rich take from the poor?

they are poor
Posted by: Rory Bellows

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 03:16 PM

What socialist summer camp did your parents send you economic Einsteins to?

Every single person that has a job and pays taxes has benefitted from the tax cuts.

The top earners in this country not only pay a majority of taxes that provide the majority of revenue for defense and domestic spending--they also provide and create numerous jobs when they're allowed to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and let it soar unfettered.

Why should we create an incentive for them to earn less so they can qualify for a lower tax bracket and or a tax cuts?

What's with all the class warfare BS?

Here's a place you'll find many 'like minded' economic Robin Hood's:

Posted by: Dave D

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 04:26 PM

How can the rich take from the poor?

they are poor
Well it’s like this….say you skim 1 dollar from a billion poor people you now have a billion dollars. Now if you start doing things like not wanting to pay people for overtime you now have multi trillion dollar money skimming legalized mafia Presidency. \:\(
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 05:32 PM

Where's your Economics degree from Rory? Or are you self-taught?
Posted by: Rory Bellows

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 06:31 PM

I graduated Suma Cum Laude from the School of Hard Knocks. \:D
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/25/04 07:49 PM

Dan and lead thrower....steal from the poor to give to the gotta be kiddin me!!!

The "poor" can be defined by many yard sticks...just like the rich. No one steals from the poor unless you feel that anyone making less than say $50,000 a year is poor. Those on the lower end of the income scales usually pay no taxes but you want to give them a tax cut? You don't want people who pay tons of taxes to get a break on their taxes because dammit it just ain't fair!!! We need to level the playing field , right? redistribute the money? right? Let the state decide who gets what. Not my hard work. I know there are a bunch of freeloaders out there who survive thanks to the taxes I pay.

Like I said , thank God for rich people because they provide most of the jobs and pay most of the taxes so vast populations of "poor" people can pay no taxes and survive off the hand outs of the state.
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/26/04 01:52 PM

Explain it then, grandpa.

More billionaires and more poor people.

And spare me the tax sob-story. I pay them too. But telling me it's OK that more poor people will get their power turned off and more poor elderly will eat dog food so they can afford medicine so the Mr. Rich can afford TWO Gulfstream IV's this year is crap.

It's called having compassion for those who are not as well off as I am. That includes YOUR grandchildren..............who I don't think should be saddled with debt payments becuase WE couldn't balance a budget.

I guess 20 or 40 or 60 billion just isn't enough for some people.
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/26/04 08:16 PM

Most all of those billionaires except Teresa Heinz Ketchup give tons to help others and pay tons to support others so they don't have to eat dog food. Unfortunately alot of older folks would not think of taking a hand out. They just never believed in it. Todays generation is different. Today the government and the rich people "owe" them. A total bleeding heart crock of crap.
Posted by: Theking

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/27/04 10:59 AM

Dnas is cheerleading for the intellectually dishonest again.

So Dan you get to decide what the level is a fair income? Is it what you make ,anything else is unfair? I would bet the avg. Citizen in China, Mexico etc. would describe you just as you describe billionaires. But hey it suits your needs no sense having perspective. Your postion is more in line with Naders btw.
Posted by: stlhd_dreaming

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/27/04 10:18 PM

Hey Grandpa you do know why the rich give to charities TAX WRITE OFFS........ not like they want to come on think about if you where a millionaire and had to pay lets say 50,000 in taxes but you give 300,000 in pocket change ( wish it was pocket change ) but that would reduce your taxes by 20% what would you do HMMMM. I know what I would do. It shouldnt be a tax right off it should be for the good of humanity.
I am sick of reading your political debates with people half the time you dig yourself into bigger holes.....I am for the rich getting taxes up the @$$. 50,000 equals poor that is pretty much true went and looked at new vehicles the other day and a 2005 nissan Maxima is 500 a month for 6 years that is absurd who can afford soemthing like that not many people it is all about getting rich and if you want to get rich you better well pay the damn taxes.
Posted by: Dan S.

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/27/04 10:56 PM

The lesson was taught to me by a Jewish carpenter. I guess he could have been worng and the second Gulfstream IV is more important, though.

You can make up your own mind.
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/28/04 12:10 AM

stlhd dreamin.....of course $500 a month for 6 years is cash young man if you want to get rich.

Oh and be careful of those barbed hooks....I think you swallowed one real deep.
Posted by: 4Salt

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/28/04 01:07 PM

stlhd dreamin.....of course $500 a month for 6 years is cash young man if you want to get rich.
And just in case you haven't gotten married yet... before you do, get a pre-nup! \:D \:D
Posted by: grandpa

Re: My Boss Is Still #2 - 09/29/04 09:53 PM

4Salt..I feel your pain....It'll get better in about 8 years...