Thoughts on W's possible impeachment

Posted by: eddie

Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 03:21 PM

There has been a lot of noise recently about GW being impeached. Standard reasons used are:

1. Lying to the American public to get us involved in Iraq.
2. The Valerie Plame (sp?) affair.
3. Being a general dumb*ss.

While certainly no supporter of W and clearly dismayed by what the GOP did with Clinton and impeachment, I would caution all that impeachment and conviction should be a well thought out, sober action that needs to be weighed in regard to the general good of the Nation.

Impeachment of the President has happened 3 times in our history and never has the Senate convicted. The Senate probably would have convicted Nixon, but he resigned prior to that happening. In both the modern cases, the opposition party held the majority in the House when Impeachment was debated. So, in W's case, he is really only at risk of impeachment if the Dems can take control of the House in the 2006 election.

If the Dems do win the majority in the House, I would strongly caution them not to impeach. It would set our system on its ear if they did that. We would not only have Election cycles, but impeachment cycles as well. Just as many thought that Clinton's impeachment was payback by the GOP for Nixon's impeachment, we would run the risk of Government by brinksmanship and revenge.

Just some random thoughts by someone who thinks that W deserves to be impeached and convicted, but thinks that it is better for our Nation to leave well enough alone. BTW, I think W might be able to beat reason #3. \:D
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 03:41 PM


When did you start writing for Al Franken? or did you come across some serious BC bud?
Posted by: eddie

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 03:44 PM

TK - No, I have not started ghostwriting for Franken and my BC bud days are long gone.
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 04:02 PM

Sorry Eddie, I have been in Idaho for the last few. The most liberal thing I saw was one lone Kerry Edwards sticker on a beat up ol Toyota. Couple of Indians driving it with gray pony tails and smoke pouring out the open windows. The only Rdio station that would come in was a FOX station out of Boise and all they talked about where something called a Butt Monkey. . So if the impeachment talk coming from the local starbucks and college campuses I may have missed it.
Posted by: eddie

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 04:07 PM

I'm surprised that Fox has not been covering it. After all, they are "fair and balanced"
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 04:14 PM

My son who is 6 asked me " is this the radio where every one calls in and tells lies to each other?"

So we switched to CD and listened to the entire Who catalog the rest of the trip. Much better!
Posted by: eddie

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 04:30 PM

That reminds me of my favorite Who Story - The Who were playing a gig somewhere in Middle America and the lads had the music up a touch loud in their room. The manager of the Hotel was called and politely requested of Keith Moon to turn down the noise. Keith got a quizzical look on his face, then proceeded to trash the room, throw everything he could out the window to the swimming pool some floors below and generally run amok. When he was finished he turned the music back up and said to the Hotel Manager - "That was noise, this is the f**king Who."

Ah - simpler times......
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 04:41 PM

We reenacted a Who hotel room story at the Best wWestern in Coeur d alene Idaho after seeing the Kids Are all right in 1979. A friend made the mistake of passing out in front of the candy counter at the theater after throwing up all over the floor. We took him back to the hotel and all the furniture in his room went out the window 7 stories into the pool. My wife says my friends and I invented Jackass we just did not have video recorders in those days.
Posted by: B-RUN STEELY

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 07:23 PM

I paid for a trashed Hotel room in 1983. It was on a ski trip to Jackson Hole. After who knows how much alcohol at the Cowboy bar.. we had an WWF type wrestling match at the room that got out of hand.. The cops came.. we went to jail.. We had to pay.. 2,852 to be exact

To this day my buddie says " God damn it I know that T.V was working when they hauled us outa the room because I remember looking back and it was on..."
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/05/05 07:59 PM

Where ya been Brun. Hows your mom?
Posted by: B-RUN STEELY

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/06/05 09:05 AM

I have been pretty busy this summer. I have been working in Manasses Va. My mom died at the end of Feb . Pretty much right on schedual from diagnosis last March. The whole deal about died peacefully surrounded by family is B.S- In reality, she sounded like a fish out of water blowing bubbles out of her mouth for about the last 15 hours or so. I was pretty sure she drowned. I thought several times about putting a pillow over her head or giving her a mass dose of Morphine, but the Hospis folks said just let it happen as it happens. In the end I was happy for her because the last few months really were hard on everyone most of all her. So now I have my dad who is totally lost and its a job keeping him busy etc. 46 years is a long time to be married to the same person so he struggles.. His buddies have been a big help. I found out over the last year that a few of them that I thought were assholes the whole time I was growing up are actually pretty good people, or at the very least were very good friends to my parents.

Thanks for remembering that. I never mentioned it at the time but its easier to talk about now.

Also did a fly fishing article for the Statesman news paper that was pretty cool. I'll post a link to it when it gets online. Also been going to Cow sales and helping my unkle out a bit on the ranch.. And planning on going to Westport with a bunch of folks from the board here and putting on a puking display second to none in August.
Posted by: Theking

Re: Thoughts on W's possible impeachment - 07/06/05 12:53 PM


Sorry to hear about you mom. My grandma went the same way and it was a relief when she finally passed. Cow sales are fun. I just had my two herefords break out a few weeks ago and take a run through town. It's funny watching the yuppies reaction to a steer walking through their Desperate Housewife type neighborhoods. Look forward to checking out the fly fishing articles.